What is my IP
What is my IP

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Artificial Intelligence weapons and defending tool against cyber attacks
Artificial Intelligence weapons and defending tool against cyber attacks

Check Point's 2024 security report reveals an increase in cyber-attacks in Spain and Portugal, with an average of 1,133 weekly attacks in the last six months. The most affected sectors have been healthcare, with 2,361 attacks, education and research, with 2,053, and communications, with 1,622 attacks. This increase is part of a similar global trend, although with significant regional particularities. Ransomware targets companies that handle data Ransomware has been one of the main threats, with a 90% increase in victims in Spain and Portugal in the last year. Cybercriminals take advantage of vulnerabilities that have no immediate solution to attack third-party companies in the supply chain. This means that instead of attacking large companies directly, hackers target the companies that handle their data, thus increasing the risk of exposure. As a “new thing,” these attacks have escalated and now also affect more global targets, having also extended their attack surface, for example, to the Linux operating system and communication devices such as routers, ADSL and VPN, among others. Artificial Intelligence, a tool that promotes and prevents cybercrime, at the same time In this panorama, artificial intelligence plays a dual role, with AI having become, on the one hand, a powerful tool for cybercriminals, who use it to improve the effectiveness of their attacks – optimization of malicious code, improvement of phishing methods , attack automation, … - ; and on the other hand, being a crucial ally for cybersecurity defences, the creation of more complete security policies, etc. Wave of cyber-attacks in Spain In recent weeks, important Spanish entities such as Banco Santander, Iberdrola and the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) have been the target of cyberattacks. These incidents have exposed sensitive data of millions of users, highlighting the vulnerability of critical infrastructure and the need for continuous improvements in cybersecurity strategies.

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Hungary Proposes Orchestrated Attacks Against Illegal IPTV Platforms
Hungary Proposes Orchestrated Attacks Against Illegal IPTV Platforms

Television operators in Hungary have come together in an unprecedented common front in the country to combat illegal Internet IPTV platforms.The objective is to put end to the unfair competition from these services and to do it they propose launching denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks against the websites that host them.In order not to incur in the legality, the television stations would entrust these attacks to an organization that would act with legal authorization and under official levels of supervision and control.Upon receiving continuous DDoS attacks, the pirate platforms would be overwhelmed by malicious traffic and the hope of the television stations is that the inconvenience that would be shared by getting their services active again would make them rule out continuing their operations.

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Firefox enables full protection against 'cookies' by default
Firefox enables full protection against 'cookies' by default

Mozilla Firefox has enabled by default its total protection against 'cookies' (Total Cookie Protection), which ensures that users are shielded from tracking their Internet activity without sacrificing their browsing experience. As it had been explained by the company, the new functionality creates a 'cookie jar' every time the Internet user visits a web page. Each 'jar' is kept separate, thus limiting 'cookies' to the site where they were generated. In this way, by isolating one container from another, crawlers can only access information on your page, without being able to relate user behavior across multiple sites. Mozilla claims that this solution makes its browser the most secure on the market for Windows, Mac and Linux. Mozilla's Total Cookie Protection function operates whenever a website or third-party content embedded in a page deposits a 'cookie' in the user's browser. This full cookie protection also improves the performance of previous Firefox tools, such as ETP or Enhanced Tracking Protection.

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Common front against advertising based on user surveillance
Common front against advertising based on user surveillance

Facing the forthcoming vote on the EU Digital Services Law, a group of 17 civil organizations and 14 digital companies have demanded the European Parliament prohibit invasive and hostile practices with privacy that take place in digital advertising such as user tracking.  According to his complaint, companies that specialize in monitoring the behavior of Internet users, integrate data from all websites, something that entails a violation of EU data protection regulations. In addition, they remember, these advertising practices make use of "inferred data that reveals vulnerabilities of the users" and, in general, they insist, this data are obtained without the knowledge of the user and beyond their control.  The signatories, including the privacy-focused search engine companies DuckDuckGo and Ecosia, denounce also that these types of practices only favor a few “dominant players” based in the United States, and they specifically cite, among others, Facebook and Google.  As an alternative to these advertising systems, they propose to follow initiatives such the Dutch television channels NPO and Norwegian TV2, which opted for contextual advertising and increased their income from ads.

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Operation Spincaster combats cryptocurrency fraud and phishing with public-private collaboration and blockchain technology
Operation Spincaster combats cryptocurrency fraud and phishing with public-private collaboration and blockchain technology

Public-private collaboration and the transparency of blockchain technology could be the perfect tandem to fight against cryptocurrency fraud and the approval phishing technique, as has been demonstrated in Operation Spincaster deployed in Spain and other countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, the Netherlands and Australia, where significant progress has been made in the prevention of these crimes.In this operation, the Chainalyais firm has worked closely with the National Police and the Criminal Cyber ​​Intelligence Group of the Civil Guard, identifying thousands of compromised wallets, also offering specialized training to identify and track stolen funds.In addition, they have also acted against approval 'phishing', a particularly harmful technique, through which scammers get the victim to sign a malicious blockchain transaction, thus authorizing cybercriminals to spend the tokens within the wallet. of the victim. This type of scam has generated losses exceeding $2.7 billion, according to Chainalysis, underscoring the urgency of initiatives like Operation Spincaster.

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Introduction: The technology company SPC, has been present in the market for almost 30 years and has made it its mission, since its inception, to make available to all consumers the latest technology. SPC has always been committed to establishing itself in the market with products featuring a Smart vision of technology. This company is basically, rebelling against the fact that even today, quality technology is often exclusive and is based more on the status and not so much on the connection between people. We all have the right to be connected.

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How can I hide my IP?
How can I hide my IP?

Accessing the Internet involves connecting our computer, smartphone, tablet, etc. to a communications server that is responsible for providing access to the network. This connection involves the identification and exchange of data about our identity, IP address, and online activities that are recorded forever as a trace of our navigation. Can I be tracked through my IP address? Yes, it is possible to trace an IP address and for those who consider privacy a priority, this is a major problem because, in addition to being exposed throughout the network, the increasingly intensive use of the Internet has led to this type of data becoming an object of interest for cybercriminals seeking personal or confidential information that can be used for their benefit. To safeguard against all this, there are several methods to hide the IP address, ensure our online privacy, improve our security on the Internet, and prevent anyone from knowing what pages we visit, the time we have spent on every connection, or what we are downloading. What are the advantages of hiding my IP?  Apart from everything related to privacy and security already mentioned, hiding the IP offers different advantages for users in multiple circumstances: There are IP hiding services that prevent IP geolocation when we travel and allow us to connect to the network as if we were doing it from our own country, overcoming, for example, any network access limitations that may exist in the place where we are. We will be able to download files anonymously avoiding that the rest of the users can see our IP location. If our IP is not "in sight", the possible limitations and blockages of the Wi-Fi network and even of our ISP (Internet Service Provider) disappear. Thanks to the data encryption system of the most advanced IP hiding services, our vulnerability in connections to public Wi-Fi networks is minimized. When the system detects a location different from the real one, this can give us advantages to buy in online stores with different offers according to the country or to avoid the blocking of games, maps, and online game add-ons that may have restrictions on our location. How can I hide my IP? IP hiding is achieved through the use of specific services and tools to hide the IP and encrypt our traffic, those services allow us to hide the real communications we make during our navigation. Besides those techniques that are based on the modification of network protocols and require certain skills to carry them out, there are several technologies within the reach of all users: VPN or Virtual Private Network Proxy or Web proxy Tor Public Wifi How to hide the IP address with a VPN? VPNs are services that connect us to the Internet through intermediate servers, in which our original IP address is " masked " by the IP address of that secure server. This concealment ensures that anyone tracing our connection will only see the IP address and location of the VPN server, but not our own. In addition, to safeguard our activity on the network, VPNs use tunneling and data encryption, encrypting the information we exchange with the VPN server, hiding it, and preventing third parties from being able to read it during its transit. The security of VPN connections is determined by proprietary VPN protocols, based on different standards and encryption and authentication methods, which depend on each developer. The range of options is wide and this allows us to choose between, for example, options that prioritize speed over security, options that do the opposite, options with a greater or lesser degree of reliability, etc. VPN applications always run in the background and do not hinder browsing. How to use a proxy server to hide the IP address? Unlike VPN services, proxy servers focus their activity solely on hiding the IP, without performing any type of concealment on our network traffic or any other data that could reveal our identity. Proxy servers act as intermediaries between our device and the destination server to which they transmit our requests on our behalf. Therefore, our IP will be hidden and the only one they will see will be the proxy one. There are different types of proxy services, from the simplest ones that only help us to hide the IP to others with extra functionalities such as blocking cookies, scripts, and other files hosted on websites and sent to the user.   Browsers or applications based on the HTTP protocol offer the manual proxy configuration function so that we can indicate the proxy web address and port to which we want to connect before browsing. In this way, any activity that we perform through that browser will always be routed to the proxy. Alternatively, you can also opt for the automatic proxy format that searches through DNS or DHCP for the URL from which to download the wpad.dat file that runs and allows the proxy connection with automatic authentication on your computer. How to hide your IP with Tor? Tor is a free software developed to ensure anonymous browsing of users on the Internet. To mask the IP Tor uses a network of volunteer computers or nodes through which it redirects our traffic and encrypts it before it reaches its destination. At least this redirection goes through three of these nodes, achieving repetitive re-encryptions so that any possible clue about our identity disappears. In this process, Tor assigns a random and geographically different IP to our connection so that the location by third parties is impossible (if you are curious to know the IP you have been assigned you can check it through our tool). This system allows different configurations depending on whether we are using a firewall, if our ISP is blocking Tor connections or if we navigate through proxy for example. Can I hide my IP with a public Wi-Fi connection? The answer is yes. A public Wi-Fi network can also be used to hide our IP address, although if we do not have it constantly at our disposal, the IP hiding is limited to the time we have access to a public network. As this type of network is a connection shared by many other people, this makes it impossible to trace a particular user or identify them on the destination server. However, it is precisely this general access that also makes us more vulnerable. And although through a connection to a public Wi-Fi we will solve the issue of IP hiding, security will never be total, because being an open network, we can be exposed to the will of hackers and other threats, including malware and viruses. And if I want to hide my IP address, how can I change it? It may also be the case that instead of masking the IP all we need to do is change our IP address at a given moment. Then, the solution is as simple as disconnecting the modem from the power supply and restarting it after a few minutes. In that time, if your IP address is dynamic (you can check it through the network connections tab on your computer), it will be deleted and your Internet provider will give you a new one. To make sure that everything went well, we recommend doing something as simple as writing down the IP address before turning off the router and checking it again once it is up and running again. Another possible way to achieve the same result if you have a smartphone with a data plan is to turn this device into a wireless access point to which you can connect your computer, thus hiding your usual connection. There are many options to hide the IP or to change it and now that you know how each of them works you will be able to decide which one suits you best.

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Microsoft patches the risk of Windows 10 and 11 connected to public Wi-Fi
Microsoft patches the risk of Windows 10 and 11 connected to public Wi-Fi

Microsoft has released a patch to resolve a serious vulnerability present in its Windows 10 and 11 operating systems. This security update, distributed as part of the monthly patch cycle on June 11, resolves a critical vulnerability listed as CVE-2024-30078 , which put the security of computers at risk when connected to public WiFi networks. Windows vulnerability details ´The vulnerability, rated maximum severity, allowed a cyber attacker to execute malicious code remotely if a user connected to public WiFi, such as those available in airports or shopping malls. This security breach exposed the systems to attacks in which the cybercriminal, being in close proximity to the target, could "send and receive radio signals" to compromise the equipment.According to the technical sheet provided by Microsoft, although the vulnerability was considered critical, no incidents have been detected in which it has been exploited in the real world. This indicates that users were not affected before the patch was available. Why are security patches important? Vulnerabilities in software are weak points that can be exploited by attackers to steal information, access sensitive data, and cause damage. Security patches fix these known vulnerabilities, closing the doors that attackers could use.Some vulnerabilities also allow attackers to remotely control systems by executing their malicious code. Security patches prevent these attacks from being possible, protecting users from incidents such as data theft, ransomware, and other forms of malware.Its in this sense that technological cooperation has recalled that Microsoft's monthly security updates are an essential practice to keep operating systems protected against emerging threats.

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Android 15 is committed to security and user experience powered by AI
Android 15 is committed to security and user experience powered by AI

Google has announced in Google I/O 2024 conference, new and innovative functionalities powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) for its next operating system, Android 15. As the firm's experts have explained, the improvements, focused on optimizing the user experience also seeks to guarantee data protection at all stages of the device's life cycle: before, during and after a theft. Thus, one of the highlights of the presentation was the presentation of these new security measures designed to deter device theft and which include: Factory reset update: If a thief attempts to reset a stolen device, they will need the credentials of the associated Google account, making resale impossible. Private space: This new feature will allow you to create a hidden and locked area with a separate PIN, protecting sensitive information even if the device falls into the wrong hands. Improved authentication: Accessing critical features such as 'Find My Device' or modifying important settings in the new Android 15 operating system will require biometric authentication, increasing the difficulty for thieves to tamper with the device. Additionally, security features such as theft detection and automatic screen locking are coming to devices running Android 10 and later later this year. Innovations from Android 15 in user experience Android 15 also brings significant improvements to the user experience: Smoother transitions: With a redesigned interface and smoother transitions, users will enjoy more intuitive navigation. Multitasking improvements: On large-screen devices, you can pin the taskbar to quickly switch between apps, and store app combinations on a split screen for quick access. Screen sharing controls: Android 15 will include new notifications that automatically hide during screen sharing, and the ability to share only the content of a specific app, improving user privacy. Defense Against Cyber ​​Attacks Google has also introduced tools to protect users from cyberattacks and espionage: Unencrypted connection notifications: The system will alert users when their network connection is not encrypted, reducing the risk of criminals intercepting communications. Detection of fraudulent cell stations: Android 15 will protect at-risk users, such as journalists and dissidents, by alerting them to possible surveillance tools that record their location. Google Play Protect Google Play Protect will also be improved in Android 15 with the integration of AI, capable of identifying malicious applications in real time by analyzing permissions and suspicious behavior.

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Digital insurance with AI sets the trend in the Insurtech market
Digital insurance with AI sets the trend in the Insurtech market

Digital insurance, connected and driven by generative Artificial Intelligence (AI), is making a milestone in the Insurtech market, according to a report prepared by the technology consultancy NTT Data. The report, 'Insurtech Global Outlook 2024,' delves into the three waves of innovation that are reshaping the insurance sector and also offers recommendations derived from its main findings. NTT Data experts detail that, after reaching record investment figures in previous years, the sector experienced an adjustment in 2023, reflecting both the bursting of a bubble and a strategic adaptation to new global economic and political realities. Three waves of innovation in digital insurance The NTT Data report identifies "three waves of innovation" in the insurance industry: digital insurance, connected insurance, and generative insurance. The first ones, they explain, mark the entry of Insurtech companies into the market, while connected insurance leads the shift towards proactive prevention strategies and personalized approaches for the client. The latter, generative insurance linked to AI, they add, are helping insurance companies to generate high-impact models in society, while also complying with ethical regulations.  In fact, according to this work, cybersecurity and AI emerge as fundamental pillars for the transformation of the sector. The report highlights, for example, an investment of 640 million dollars in cybersecurity, with a growth in the number of transactions and an increasing focus on protection against cyber risks. In addition, artificial intelligence, with investments of over 50 billion dollars, is consolidating, according to the NTT Data report, as a disruptive force, paving the way for revolutionary solutions and business models.

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WiFi Security: Assessment of threats in wireless networks
WiFi Security: Assessment of threats in wireless networks

Wifi connectivity has gone from being limited to restricted environments to becoming omnipresent in virtually every aspect of our daily lives. The ability to connect to the Internet from anywhere, be it at home, in a café, at work, in public spaces, or even in-flight, has enhanced the convenience in our daily lives. Moreover, the expansion of Wifi networks and the use of new manufacturing technologies now allow the interconnection of devices, leading to the significant rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) and providing users with more comprehensive control over their digital environments. However, this proliferation of Wifi networks has also given rise to new threats that require careful evaluation and effective security strategies to ensure secure and risk-free Wifi connections for our data and information. Common Wifi security threats include data interception Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attacks One of the fundamental challenges in Wifi security is preventing MITM attacks, where an intruder inserts themselves into the communication between two parties, compromising the integrity and confidentiality of sensitive data such as passwords and financial information. Spoofing of access points Hackers can create fake Wifi networks that mimic legitimate ones to attract unsuspecting users. Once connected to these malicious networks, our data can be captured by cybercriminals who may sell or misuse it for illicit purposes. Tips for achieving a secure Wifi connection: Strengthen authentication and use security protocols Prioritize strong encryption for networks to protect confidential information transmitted through it. WPA (Wifi Protected Access) encryption uses stronger algorithms than its predecessor, WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy), making it more difficult for hackers to intercept and decipher data. Advanced security protocols like WPA3 provide individualized data encryption and advanced two-factor authentication (2FA) methods, adding an extra layer of security by requiring additional verification. Device management Properly manage and monitor devices connected to Wifi networks to minimize risks associated with the large number of connected devices in homes and businesses. Regularly update the router firmware and all connected devices to address potential vulnerabilities. Segmentation of the network to separate critical devices from less secure ones also helps mitigate the risk of threat propagation. Secure Router Configuration The router secure configuration is what will ensure the robustness and overall security of a wireless network. The router, being the first point of contact for devices connected to the Internet, acts as the first line of defence against potential attacks. For this reason, it is important to understand that the proper configuration of the router not only guarantees a stable and efficient connection but also establishes a protected environment that safeguards the integrity and privacy of our data. How to configure the router securely? To ensure a correct and secure configuration of the router, it is recommended to: Change the default username and password of the router, as these are easily accessible to attackers. Use strong passwords containing a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters. Disable remote administration to prevent cybercriminals from accessing the router externally. Enable WPA2 or WPA3 encryption instead of the outdated WEP for enhanced network security. Optionally, disable SSID broadcast to make the network less visible and harder to detect by hackers. Keep the router firmware updated to address vulnerabilities and improve overall device security. By following these steps, you will strengthen the security of your wireless network and reduce the chances of experiencing unwanted attacks or intrusions.

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Orange transforms the gaming experience with AI and the 5G+ Stand Alone Network
Orange transforms the gaming experience with AI and the 5G+ Stand Alone Network

Orange has harnessed the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the advanced architecture of the 5G+ Stand Alone network, leveraging its fragmentation capabilities, to reinvent a Virtual Reality (VR) athletics video game from the 1980s. In this revamped version, users have the opportunity to become exceptionally realistic avatars, competing with other players located in various places. The game employs Artificial Intelligence (AI) to accurately identify the user's anatomy and textures, creating the avatar. This process involves a three-dimensional volumetric scan of the subject, performed with a total of 21 cameras. Based on this detailed information, the avatar is created, allowing the player to participate in thrilling athletics races, competing against virtual opponents physically located in different locations. Fragmentation technology for efficient virtual networks During the game's usage, it leverages the capacity of network fragmentation technology to establish various virtual networks on the same physical infrastructure. This is achieved through efficient resource allocation tailored to the specific needs of the service, considering key aspects such as quality, availability, privacy, and security. In the case of Orange's VR game, it achieves this by prioritizing a fast and secure connection with minimal latency for an enhanced gaming experience. Immersive Now by Orange The presentation of Orange's athletics game took place at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, where the orange mobile telecommunications operator also showcased a virtual reproduction of its booth using the Immersive Now 360 platform for entertainment and events.

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What is Bitcoin Halving and how does it affect the cryptocurrency?
What is Bitcoin Halving and how does it affect the cryptocurrency?

The term "Halving" in the context of Bitcoin refers to a scheduled event in the cryptocurrency protocol, in which the reward for mining blocks is reduced by half. This event occurs approximately every four years and has a significant impact on the supply and demand of Bitcoin. During Halving, the number of new Bitcoins created per block is halved. This implies a decrease in the issuance rate of the cryptocurrency, which in turn can have an effect on the price and volatility of Bitcoin. Many analysts and experts are speculating about the long-term implications of the Halving and its influence on the cryptocurrency markets. Services related to Bitcoin Halving There are various types of services and tools related to Bitcoin Halving that can be beneficial for different actors in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. These services include: 1. Halving analysis and forecast This type of service provides detailed information about the past, present and future of the Bitcoin Halving. Through analysis and forecasting, it helps investors and cryptocurrency enthusiasts make informed decisions on how to position themselves before and after the event. 2. Bitcoin Mining As the reward in Bitcoin decreases, mining this cryptocurrency becomes more challenging. Bitcoin mining services offer solutions and advice to maximize mining efficiency and profitability, even in a low reward environment. 3. Financial advice related to Halving As the issuance rate of Bitcoin slows, investors may need to adapt their investment strategies. Financial advisory services specialized in cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin provide personalized recommendations and analysis to optimize investment performance in this context. 4. Development of tools for cryptocurrencies The Bitcoin Halving may generate changes in the cryptocurrency ecosystem, which may require the creation of new tools and solutions. Companies specialized in software development and applications related to cryptocurrencies can provide development and consulting services to adapt to these new demands. Bitcoin: Reward Reduction and Its Implications on the Cryptocurrency Ecosystem Bitcoin, the most famous and valuable cryptocurrency in the world, has periodically experienced an event known as a "reward reduction" or "Halving", which has significant implications on the cryptocurrency ecosystem. In this article, we will explore in depth what Bitcoin reward reduction is and how it affects both miners and investors. What is Bitcoin reward reduction? Bitcoin reward reduction is a scheduled event integrated into the cryptocurrency protocol. It occurs approximately every four years and consists of a halving of the reward miners receive for validating transactions and adding new blocks to the Bitcoin blockchain. Originally, when Bitcoin was launched in 2009, miners received a reward of 50 Bitcoins for each block mined. However, due to the reward reduction process, this amount has decreased over time. In 2012, it was reduced to 25 Bitcoins per block, in 2016 to 12.5 Bitcoins per block, and in 2020 it was reduced again to 6.25 Bitcoins per block. Implications for Bitcoin miners Bitcoin's reward reduction has a significant impact on mining the cryptocurrency. With each reduction, miners receive fewer Bitcoins for their work, which means less direct monetary reward. This may result in some miners leaving the Bitcoin network, especially those with higher electricity and mining equipment costs. On the other hand, those miners who manage to adapt and remain profitable even with a lower reward are rewarded with a larger share of the Bitcoin supply generated through mining. This concentration of Bitcoins in the hands of fewer miners can have effects on the decentralization and security of the network, since the number of active participants in the transaction validation process is reduced. Implications for investors and the price of Bitcoin Bitcoin's reward reduction also has implications for the price and supply of the cryptocurrency. As the issuance of new Bitcoins decreases, the supply in the market reduces. This may lead to higher relative demand if Bitcoin demand continues to grow or remains stable. In previous reward reduction events, a long-term increase in Bitcoin price has been observed. This is because the decrease in the supply of new Bitcoins can lead to greater perceived scarcity and therefore an increase in their value. However, it is important to note that the price of Bitcoin is highly volatile and can be influenced by a variety of external factors, so a continued increase after reward reduction cannot be guaranteed. Bitcoin's reward reduction is a key event in the life of the cryptocurrency and has implications for both miners and investors. As the number of new Bitcoins generated is halved, miners must adapt to remain profitable and the supply of Bitcoin on the market may decrease. However, this event can also have a positive impact on the price of Bitcoin in the long term. It is important to understand and take these factors into account when evaluating investment potential in Bitcoin and the cryptocurrency market in general. Bitcoin and limited supply: a unique combination Bitcoin has captured the attention of the financial world like no other cryptocurrency. One of its most notable features is its limited supply, meaning that only a finite number of bitcoins will be created in the world. This contrasts with traditional fiat currencies, which can be printed at the discretion of governments. How does Bitcoin limited supply work? Bitcoin was designed to have a total supply of 21 million coins. As new blocks are mined by users and added to the Bitcoin blockchain, new coins are generated and distributed as rewards to miners. However, this reward is halved in an event known as "Halving", which occurs approximately every four years. Halving ensures that the rate of issuance of new bitcoins decreases over time, following a predictable mathematical function. Currently, the reward per mined block is 6.25 bitcoins, but this number is expected to reduce further in the future. This controlled scarcity mechanism is a central part of Bitcoin's monetary policy. Advantages of Bitcoin Limited Supply Bitcoin's limited supply has several significant advantages: Sense of scarcity: The limitation in the supply of Bitcoin makes it a scarce and valuable asset. As it approaches its maximum supply, demand and price are expected to increase. Inflation Protection: Unlike fiat currencies, Bitcoin cannot be inflated or devalued at the discretion of governments. Its limited supply protects it from inflation and makes it a safe store of value. Monetary stability: With carefully controlled supply, Bitcoin offers greater monetary stability compared to national currencies, which can be affected by political and economic decisions. Challenges and debates surrounding the limited supply of Bitcoin Despite the advantages, Bitcoin's limited supply has also generated debates and challenges. Some argue that the scarcity of bitcoins could hinder its mass adoption as an everyday currency. Price volatility is also an issue of concern. Furthermore, the fact that only about 80% of all existing bitcoins have been mined raises questions about how the latest bitcoins will be distributed and how this will affect the network and its sustainability in the future. Bitcoin has revolutionized the financial world with its limited supply and unique monetary policy. Controlled and predictable scarcity is an essential part of its design, providing a solid alternative to traditional fiat currencies. Although limited supply can pose challenges and debates, it also offers significant benefits, such as a sense of scarcity, protection against inflation, and monetary stability. As Bitcoin continues to mature and its supply approaches its maximum limit, its value and relevance in the financial world continues to grow, leaving investors and enthusiasts with great anticipation about its future.

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Where to watch the Champions League on TV or Streaming?
Where to watch the Champions League on TV or Streaming?

Find out where you can watch the Champions League so as not to miss a minute of this excellent competition that this year again promises good soccer and maximum excitement. When does the Champions League 2021/2022 start? The UEFA Champions League Group Stage starts in mid-September. The first match day will be played on Tuesday, September 14, and will feature Sevilla, who will face RB Salzburg in the Andalusian capital; Villarreal, who will play at home against Atalanta; and FC Barcelona, who will face Bayern Munich, also at home. The following day, on September 15, the 2021/2022 Champions League will kick off for Atlético de Madrid, who will play against Porto at the Wanda Metropolitano, and also for Real Madrid, who will play their first match against Inter, in Milan. This first Group Stage will have six matchdays in which the 32 teams participating in this edition of the Champions League will face each other in home and away matches that you will be able to follow both on television and streaming. Group stage September 14/15, 2021: first matchday September 28/29, 2021: second matchday October 19/20, 2021: third matchday 2/3 November 2021: fourth matchday November 23/24, 2021: fifth matchday December 7/8, 2021: sixth matchday Once the six matchdays of the group stage have been completed, the competition will continue with the knockout phase, which will determine the two teams that will play in the UEFA Champions League final. Knockout Phase Round of 16: February 15/16/22/23 and March 8/9/15/16/16, 2022 Quarter-finals: 5/6 and 12/13 April 2022 Semifinals: May 26/27 and 3/4, 2022 Where to watch the Champions League on TV? As with LaLiga Santander and Liga SmartBank, Movistar has exclusive rights to the UEFA Champions League in Spain until 2024. However, following an agreement with Orange, Movistar has decided to share the rights with this operator, so that in Spain this season the Champions League can be watched on TV on Movistar and Orange TV. In both cases, the broadcasting of the UEFA Champions League group stage matches as well as those of the knockout phase and the Final will be included. How to watch the Champions League on Orange TV? Although Orange does not have direct rights to the Champions League in Spain, its agreement with Movistar allows its customers to watch live Champions League matches on Orange TV. These broadcasts are exclusively for the operator's customers who have the Orange Love Total package, which includes the UEFA Champions League, Liga Santander, and Liga SmartBank matches, in addition to the UEFA Champions League. How to watch the Champions League on Movistar? To watch the Champions League on Movistar we must be customers of this operator and have contracted the Fusión Selección Champions or Fusión Selección Plus con Fútbol package, which also includes the Liga Santander and Liga SmartBank matches. If our package is Fusión Selección con LaLiga, we will only have access to the Spanish football competition and we will not be able to watch the Champions League matches. The Movistar channel on which the Champions League can be watched is called " Movistar Liga de Campeones". "Movistar Liga de Campeones" is an exclusive TV channel for watching soccer and in addition to the UEFA Champions League, it also provides coverage of the Europa League.The schedules of all broadcasts can be consulted in the Sports section of the Movistar+ menu, for ADSL and Fiber TV customers. Where can I watch the Champions League live on the Internet? Both Movistar and Orange complete their Champions League soccer offer on TV through their online platforms. In both cases, to enjoy soccer on our mobile devices or computer, we must be subscribed to a package that includes the UEFA Champions League (in Movistar, Fusión Selección Champions or Fusión Selección Plus con Fútbol, and in Orange TV, Love Total). If you are a Movistar customer and have one of these packages, you must activate Movistar+ on your devices (formerly Yomvi) and you will have access to watch the Champions League online matches on Movistar as well as other online content and series, at no additional cost from anywhere and on any device. All broadcast schedules can be consulted in the Sports section of the Movistar+ menu on any device. To watch the Champions League online on Orange, you must log in to the Orange TV website to identify yourself as a Love Total member.  Once we have logged in, we will be able to watch live matches of the UEFA Champions League, LaLiga Santander, LaLiga SmartBank, and also watch matches that have already taken place. Where can I watch the Champions League from outside Spain? If you are a Movistar or Orange customer, the best option to watch the Champions League from abroad is through Movistar+ on your devices or the online platform of Orange TV. If you have problems viewing the matches due to a geographical block, the best option, in this case, is to connect to a VPN with a Spanish IP beforehand. If your Internet access provider does not offer this service, here are the best VPN offers to surf safely (both from home and when traveling). In addition, and depending on the country you are in, various television stations and operators have the broadcasting rights to the UEFA Champions League: Europe Albania: Tring, RTSH Armenia: Vivaro Austria: ServusTV, Sky Austria  Azerbaijan: CBC Sport, Saran Belarus: UEFA.tv Belgium: Proximus, RTL, VTM Bosnia and Herzegovina: Arena Sport Bulgaria: A1, bTV Croatia: HRT, Arena Sport Cyprus: CYTA Czech Republic: Nova, Voyo Denmark: NENT Group Estonia: Viaplay Finland: MTV France: Canal+, BeIN Georgia: Adjara, Silknet Germany, DAZN Greece: MEGA, COSMOTE TV Hungary: Sport1, MTVA Iceland: Viaplay, Syn Republic of Ireland: Livescore, Virgin Media, RTE Israel: The Sports Channel  Italy: Amazon, Mediaset, Sky Italia Kazakhstan: QazSport, Q Sport League, Saran Kosovo: Arena Sport, Artmotion Kyrgyzstan: Saran, Q Sport Latvia: Viaplay Lithuania: Viaplay Luxembourg: RTL, Proximus Malta: Melita, PBS Moldova: Setanta, Prime Montenegro: Arena Sport Netherlands: RTL, Ziggo Sport North Macedonia: Makedonski Telekom, Arena Sport, MTV Norway: TV2 Norway Poland: Polsat Portugal:Eleven Romenia: Clever Media, Digisport, Telekom Romania Russia: Match TV  Serbia: Arena Sport Slovakia: Markiza, Voyo Slovenia: Sportklub, Pro Plus Spain: Telefonica, Orange TV Sweden: Telia Switzerland: blue+, CH Media Tajikistan: Varzish TV, Saran Turkey: EXXEN Turkmenistan: Saran Ukraine: Megogo UK: BT Sport Uzbekistan: MTRK Africa and Middle East Nigeria: SuperSport South Africa: SuperSport Middle East and North Africa (Algeria, Bahrain, Chad, Djibouti, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen): beIN Sub-Saharian Africa: Canal+, SuperSport America Bolivia: Televideo Brazil: SBT, Turner Canada: DAZN Caribbean: Flow Sports, Sportsmax Central America: ESPN Costa Rica: Teletica Dominican Republic: Televideo Ecuador: Televideo El Salvador:Canal Dos Guatemala: Televideo Haití: Canal+ Honduras: Televicentro South America (except Brazil): ESPN Mexico: Turner Panama: TVN, Medcom Paraguay: Televideo Peru: Televideo United States: CBS, TUDN Deportes Venezuela: La Tele Tuya  Asia and Pacífic Australia: STAN Brunei: beIn Cambodia: beIn China PR: PPTV, Tencent, iQIYI, Alibaba Hong Kong SAR: beIn India and Indian subcontinent: Sony Indonesia: SCTV Japan: Wowow Republic of Korea: SPO TV Laos: beIn Macau SAR: TDM Malaysia: beIn Mongolia: SPS Myanmar: TBA New Zealand: Spark Pacific Islands: Digicel Philipines: Tap TV Singapore: beIn Taiwan/Chines Taipei: Elta Thailand: beIn Vietnam: FPT Moreover, if you are one of those who can't miss a single live match, you should know that the Sport24 platform has the rights to broadcast Champions League matches on airplanes and cruise ships. Where to watch the final match of the Champions League 2021/2022? The 2021/2022 Champions League final will be held at the Gazprom Arena in St. Petersburg, Russia, on May 28, 2022. Like the rest of the competition, you can watch the Champions League final on TV through Movistar-Movistar Liga de Campeones dial 50 and Orange TV. Where to watch the Champions League 2021/2022 final on the Internet? In addition to television, you can also watch the Champions League final online. In this case, you must also be a Movistar or Orange customer and connect to Movistar+ on devices (former Yomvi) in the first case or to the online platform of Orange TV, if you are an Orange customer to enjoy the match in which the best European soccer team 2021/2022 will be proclaimed. How can I watch LaLiga soccer matches from abroad? If you have already contracted a television service with the LaLiga package and due to a geographic blocking of your television provider and your connection you have problems viewing the matches, the best option, in this case, will be to use a VPN that assigns you an associated IP that is not blocked. If your Internet access provider does not offer this service, below are the best VPN offers to surf safely from anywhere.

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Proton Mail improves email tracking protecti
Proton Mail improves email tracking protecti

Privacy continues to be one of the areas that concentrate most attention and efforts from IT companies  and Protron Mail, Proton's end-to-end encrypted mail service, developed by CERN engineers, after learning about mass surveillance of US security agencies, has announced a new level of protection in this regard. Proton will reinforce the protections against the tracking of 'emails' with the aim of offering users a highly privacy service and neutralizing any gap that may have been opened since the creation of this service nearly a decade ago. Proton Mail guarantees their clients, an encryption system that no one except the sender and receiver can access the message. The new version, which will be included by default in iPhone and iPad, also implements new functions that will allow you to schedule the sending of messages, set reminders to answer  important emails, and postpone emails that can wait. Proton is also working on the possibility of replying to messages without having to open the text composer and is also finalizing the details of a faster new version for Android

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Interpol opens its first office in the Metaverse
Interpol opens its first office in the Metaverse

Interpol, the International Criminal Police Organization or International Police, has presented its first office in the metaverse through which they intend to improve the fight against crime in the digital universe.  The digital police station, which is a copy of the General Secretariat of Interpol in Lyon (France), will offer training for investigators and police officers and will allow the collaborators of this international organization to interact through their avatars, without geographical or physical limits.  The inauguration of this new virtual center had been accompanied by the announcement of the creation of a group of Interpol experts that will advise police forces around the world about the risks on the global stage.  Also, it has been announced that the International Police Organization has joined Meta, Microsoft and other technology giants to define the metaverse and protect communities from cybercrime, including globally recognized and criminalized crimes, such as sexual harassment, 'phishing', financial fraud or 'ransomware', among others. The objective of this joint work, they explained, is to create regulatory frameworks "and eliminate future criminal markets before they are fully formed." According to a study by the technology company Gartner, in over three years, in 2026, one of four people will spend at least one hour a day in the metaverse to work, shop and interact with other users.

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Europe proposes a very strict regulation that requires increasing the factory security of any device designed to be connected to the Internet
Europe proposes a very strict regulation that requires increasing the factory security of any device designed to be connected to the Internet

Some details from the new rules of the European Commission against cybercrime, 'Cyber ​​Resilience Act', are beginning to be known.  Among what has transpired is that the new regulation will force all manufacturers of potentially insecure products to increase it substantially and to provide more information to buyers about the level of protection of the devices they buy.  This regulation will be of general application, and will affect all types of devices and systems, from the most basic such as a watch to the most sophisticated such as the software of any computer designed to be connected to Internet. All must comply with the provisions of the 'Cyber ​​Resilience Act' to receive its approval and be able to be sold on the European market, and also, to avoid being subject to investigations and significant fines.  In this sense, the proposed sanctions that are considered in the draft of the regulations could reach 15 million euros or 2.5% of the global annual income of the fined company.  According to the European Commission in the presentation of the consultation carried out for the elaboration of the 'Cyber ​​Resilience Act', "the new regulation aims to respond to the needs of the market and protect consumers from unsafe products by introducing standards common cybersecurity standards for manufacturers and sellers of tangible and intangible digital products and ancillary services.

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DuckDuckGo will offer their temporary or disposable mail service  free
DuckDuckGo will offer their temporary or disposable mail service free

After launching the beta version of the new temporary or disposable mail service, 'Email Protection', DuckDuckGo has announced that once tested it is now available free for all users.  'Email Protection' is presented as a solution to be able to have a second 'e-mail' address to use in subscriptions and pages likely to send ‘spam'.  Available from the DuckDuckGo mobile app and browsers, the service incorporates privacy protections against link tracking and smart encryption against unencrypted links, and features such as direct response.  The accounts that are created through 'Email Protection' as a secondary email will contain the domain @duck.com and among the recommended uses proposed by DuckDuckGo are free trials or registration in services that usually send advertising or spam.

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Google launches ChromeOS Flex to give a second life to outdated computers
Google launches ChromeOS Flex to give a second life to outdated computers

Google has just introduced ChromeOS Flex, a new version of their cloud-based operating system that will allow "rejuvenating" Windows and Mac computers that have become available. The system must be downloaded directly from the web and can be installed on the computer via USB or the company network. ChromeOS Flex is now ready to give outdated Windows and Mac computers a second life. At the moment, Google has already certified nearly 300 devices compatible with ChromeOS Flex, from leading brands on the market such as Apple, Acer, Dell or Microsoft. Although Google has advanced that not having the certification does not prevent the installation of the operating system on our old computer.  Some of the services offered by this operating system are, the protection against ransomware and malware; background updates; remote management of applications and, of course, the possibility of giving a new life to an outdated computer.  “By installing ChromeOS Flex on an older computer, you're not only getting a great experience, you're also contributing to an important cause. Every year 40 million tons of electronic waste is generated worldwide, which is equivalent to throwing away 800 laptops every second. Updating devices to ChromeOS Flex instead of completely replacing them is one way to reduce this waste.

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The Spanish Organization of Consumers and Users has denounces Apple for the planned obsolescence of the iPhone6
The Spanish Organization of Consumers and Users has denounces Apple for the planned obsolescence of the iPhone6

The Spanish Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) has filed a class action lawsuit against Apple for the planned obsolescence of their iPhone 6 and has agreed to pay the costs of the trial to the 400,000 affected in Spain.  The OCU considers this planned obsolescence a deceptive commercial practice that violates consumer protection regulations and demands compensation for Spanish users for an amount that ranges between 99 and 189 euros. This figure comes from the sum of the amount of the battery (between 29 and 89 euros, depending on whether or not the replacement plan was accepted), plus 10% of the purchase price of the mobile (between 699 and 999 euros, depending on the model).  According to the OCU lawsuit, Apple has acted fraudulently by hiding information from users, and considers that the technology company updated the software in the different models of the iPhone 6 to mask the performance problems of its batteries, knowing that this would cause a slowdown. and loss of phone performance.  This practice, said OCU,  conditioned consumers to renew their iPhones, causing them an economic loss that amounts to between 40 and 80 million euros, approximately.  The complaint against Apple is one more action from the OCU to encourage affected users to fight against planned obsolescence.

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DuckDuckGo sees Google's AMP tool as a threat to user privacy
DuckDuckGo sees Google's AMP tool as a threat to user privacy

After the presentation of Google's Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), DuckDuckGo has announced that has begun to protect its customers from this new service that they interpret as interfering with user privacy.  AMP is a tool that, according to Google, enables fast loading of websites on mobile devices and improves their performance. But DuckDuckGo claims that what it really does  AMP is prioritize the display of sites that have adopted it and favor ads from Google on these pages.  This is why, this alternative search engine focused on offering the greatest possible privacy to its users (it doesn't collect information from searches) has decided to introduce protections against AMP technology in their applications and extensions for iOS, Android, Mac, Chrome and Firefox and has announced  that DuckDuckGo will show the original website of the editor instead of the one adapted to AMP.

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Bushkill cable, an anti-theft USB of data
Bushkill cable, an anti-theft USB of data

After a crowdfunding campaign for its manufacture, Bushkill cables have already begun to be marketed. This cable connects to the computer physically, without relying on wireless connections, to protect sensitive data.  The cable works as a deadman switch against theft and when somebody disconnected the cable, Bushkill automatically locks the equipment or turns it off.  Bushkill is compatible for Windows 10, MacOs and Linux. In this last system, the a extra self-destruct action can be also configured, and this makes the disk permanently inaccessible.  Physically, the Bushkill consists of a magnetic breakout cable, a carabiner, and a USB Type-A that contains the anti-theft software.

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Google launches its very own VPN service in Spain
Google launches its very own VPN service in Spain

Google has just introduced its very own VPN service in Spain. This VPN is available through the Google One app. It aims to increase the online security of its customers and it is only available for Google One members on 2 TB plans or higher. Google's VPN service hides your IP address so that your online activity can't be tracked and protects your device against hackers when you're on an unsecured network, such as a public Wi-Fi network. However, unlike other VPNs, this one only works in Google's "supported countries" (Spain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, the United Kingdom, and the United States). At present, Google's VPN service is only available on Android devices. Nevertheless, on the VPN's site, Google notes that it plans to expand the service to iOS, Windows, and Mac in the near future.

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How to keep your Mac safe?
How to keep your Mac safe?

5 things you should do to protect your Mac How many times have we heard that Mac is a more than secure and unbreakable system? For years, Apple has made its security through obscurity, or in other words, its proprietary software, flagship and brand guarantee. Today, however, just when Mac is no longer a minority option, Steve Jobs' system has become another favorite target for hackers and cybercriminals. The market has responded to this with the development of specific protection tools for Mac, while Apple works on optimizing its system in each version. Knowing what kind of tools exist for Mac and which ones are already included in our computer will help us to stay safe and choose the best strategy that fits our needs and use of the equipment. 1. Use computer security tools Cybersecurity is a universal and necessary practice in all operating systems today. The objective is to ensure protection against attacks and theft by cybercriminals who are looking for personal or confidential information stored on our computers or that enters or leaves them, in order to use it for their own benefit. What is VPN security? Cybersecurity tools help us to minimize our footprint on the Internet and thus increase our privacy and security. In this regard, VPN services for Mac stand out, as they incorporate advanced protection technologies capable of connecting to the Internet through intermediate servers, so that our IP address - our identification on the network - is replaced by the IP address of this secure server, without anyone being able to trace our connection. This type of VPN service also encrypts any information leaving our computer, thus preventing it from being accessed on its journey to its destination. This is essential, for example, when using public Wi-Fi networks to connect to the Internet. 2. Keep the operating system and software up to date As simple as it may seem, one of the best and easiest ways to protect a Mac is to always have the latest version of the operating system installed and to work with updated software downloaded from the Mac App Store. System updates usually include security patches, among other things. How do I update my Mac? Through the System Preferences Panel of our computer we can set that when there are available updates we receive a notice from MacOs warning us of it or that these updates, whether system data files, security updates or official software are installed automatically. To check if we are working with the latest versions available and our Mac is up to date we can do it by checking through this same panel if there are updates available at that time. If we have checked the automatic updates option, Mac will do this task for us routinely. 3. Use secure settings Mac's default security settings can be greatly enhanced by manually configuring the security and privacy terms of our computer. How to change the Privacy and Security preferences on the Mac? By accessing the "Privacy" tab of the "Security and Privacy" option of the Control Panel we will have the option to manage what information we allow our computer to make available to others over the Internet or on a network and what applications we allow access to our data and files. In the same way, but through the "Security" tab, we will be able to incorporate passwords for the access to different tasks and operations of the computer and through the "FileVault" tool we will be able to ensure the encryption, for example, of our personal information or certain documents for which a password will be required to unblock them. 4. Use an Antivirus for Mac There are antivirus programs developed specifically for Mac. Some of them are special for certain threats, although in general most of them offer a wide range of services to help us keep our computers safe. Which is the best antivirus for Mac? The range of antivirus for Mac, free and paid, is nowadays much wider than a few years ago, highlighting among the most complete and advanced, antivirus with malware protection functions in real time, tools against digital identity theft, protection against spyware or advanced detection and removal of blackmail programs. 5. Make regular backups Apple has a native function, Time Machine, which makes backup copies of our hard disk on a separate secondary disk, so that if for any reason we suffer an attack or a breakdown we can recover all the information. Many antiviruses offer a backup service, backup or backup similar but in the cloud, as a preventive measure against writing errors on the disk, theft of devices or even against data hijacking or ransomware.

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What is IT maintenance? Prevention is better than cure
What is IT maintenance? Prevention is better than cure

Keeping our IT equipment in good condition is essential for the smooth running of the business. The main goal of a good IT maintenance is to ensure the proper functioning of the hardware and software of our network and IT equipment and thus contribute to the overall efficiency of our business. What is the purpose of computer maintenance services? Computer maintenance services try to anticipate failures and offer us solutions to manage our computers and computer network, optimize their operation and secure all the information contained in our machines. In case of incidents, a good computer and systems technician will solve them and also find the cause of the error to prevent it from happening again. Benefits of hiring a computer maintenance and web maintenance service Common computers, servers, hard drives, networks, connections and antivirus problems can be avoided or prevented if we carry out all their preventive maintenance needs. Advance failure detection. Incidents can occur at any time, nipping them in the bud can save us a lot of headaches throughout the life of equipment. Improve the performance and reliability of your computers and network. This ensures our software is always up to date, thus improving the efficiency, speed and machines operation and other connected equipment. Prevents data loss. Data loss can wreak havoc. Keeping the equipment in good condition reduces the chances of these accidents that are completely neutralized if, in addition, our computer maintenance services include backups and contingency and recovery plans in case of disaster. Improve our protection against cyber-attacks. Regular maintenance means that our systems have the latest and, potentially, most effective security software installed to prevent any problem with malware, viruses, spyware or other unwanted attacks. Reduce our costs. With up-to-date computers we will always maximize their useful life and minimize the risk of loss due to unplanned downtime caused by computer problems. It helps us to keep the website properly updated and backed up. The most complete IT services include additional high-value services such as web maintenance for companies and backups of the entire project so nothing is lost in case of problems. What are the functions of a computer maintenance technician? Periodic reviews of computers, equipment and networks. To ensure from day one that everything is working properly, the software is up to date and the hardware is adequate. Server management with activity monitoring. To anticipate incidents or react immediately if they occur. Backup copies. To prevent data loss both on physical equipment and in the cloud. IT security. To keep machines protected and minimize the risks of viruses, computer attacks and improper intrusions. User management. To guarantee exhaustive control of how and who can access the data stored on the company's computers and servers. Remote and on-site technical assistance. Telephone support. To ensure quick resolution for major incidents and restore the service in the shortest possible time.

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Microclaudia, the Spanish antivirus that makes the attacker think the system is already infected
Microclaudia, the Spanish antivirus that makes the attacker think the system is already infected

The National Cryptologic Center (CCN-CERT) and the cyber security company S2 Grup have created "Microclaudia", a tool designed as a vaccine against malware that makes the attacking agent to believe the computer is already infected. "Microclaudia", which can work in parallel to any other protection system already installed on the computer, runs on the system and prevents the attacking of several malwares that are currently in circulation.  According to the creators of "Microclaudia", this new antivirus is an important step forward to put an end to the damage caused daily by cybercrime in Spain, the second most common crime, only after theft.

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