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Approximately 8 results of amen


The operator that rewards loyalty

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49% of consumers are willing to favor brands that explain data usage in AI interactions
49% of consumers are willing to favor brands that explain data usage in AI interactions

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a fundamental tool for companies striving to provide personalized and efficient customer interactions. However, a new report reveals that the lack of transparency in data usage by brands is affecting consumer trust. According to Twilio's fifth 'State of Consumer Engagement Report', based on a global survey including over 4,750 B2C executives and 6,300 consumers across 18 countries, 49% of consumers would trust a brand more if it disclosed how it uses data from AI-driven interactions.   The report also highlights that, although 91% of brands claim to be transparent with their customers about AI usage, only 48% of consumers agree.  In this context, data protection emerges as a priority for consumers, with six out of ten indicating it's the best way for brands to earn their trust. This data security concern is shared by, the 40% businesses globally that considerate important to find a balance between security and customer experience as one of their most pressing challenges. AI-driven customer experience for brands AI-driven personalization is a key strategy to enhance customer relations. The report points out that companies adopting personalization experience a significant increase in consumer spending, averaging 54% more compared to those that don't. AI not only helps bridge the customer experience gap but also provides additional benefits, such as better data-driven decision-making and increased customer satisfaction. However, the report highlights that many companies face difficulties in activating customer data. Globally, only 16% of brands fully agree that they have the necessary data to understand their customers.

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Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy

Esta política de privacidad aplica a todos los contenidos de este sitio web y que sean publicados por Dommia Design Studio. Si usted tiene alguna consulta sobre cómo usamos su información personal, por favor contacte con nuestro responsable de privacidad en [email protected]. Según lo establecido en el RGPD (Reglamento (UE) 2016/679), les proporcionamos la Información Detallada de Protección de Datos que se expone a continuación: Responsable: Dommia Design StudioRazón Social: Dommia Design Studio SLC.I.F.: B-66440581Dirección: c/ Lepant, 326, Entlo, Desp 3 - 08025 - BarcelonaTeléfono: 936 241 455Correo Electrónico: [email protected] Inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de Barcelona Tomo: 44619, Folio: 176, Hoja: 461387, Inscripción: 1 Información que recopilamos y con qué objetivo Esta sección detalla la información que podemos recoger sobre usted. Explicamos por qué y cómo lo utilizamos en secciones posteriores. 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Puede ejercer estos derechos contactando a nuestro oficial de Privacidad en [email protected]. ¿Dónde se aplica esta política de privacidad? La información personal recopilada por el CLIENTE. Nuestro sitio web puede contener enlaces a sitios web de terceros que no están sujetos a esta política de privacidad. No somos responsables de su contenido, uso de información personal o prácticas de seguridad. Si tiene una consulta sobre el tratamiento de su información personal, comuníquese con nuestro oficial de Privacidad en [email protected]. Cambios en esta política de privacidad Esta política es efectiva desde el 24/05/2018. Cualquier cambio que hagamos a esta política de privacidad se publicará en esta página, explicitando la fecha del último cambio.

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Digital insurance with AI sets the trend in the Insurtech market
Digital insurance with AI sets the trend in the Insurtech market

Digital insurance, connected and driven by generative Artificial Intelligence (AI), is making a milestone in the Insurtech market, according to a report prepared by the technology consultancy NTT Data. The report, 'Insurtech Global Outlook 2024,' delves into the three waves of innovation that are reshaping the insurance sector and also offers recommendations derived from its main findings. NTT Data experts detail that, after reaching record investment figures in previous years, the sector experienced an adjustment in 2023, reflecting both the bursting of a bubble and a strategic adaptation to new global economic and political realities. Three waves of innovation in digital insurance The NTT Data report identifies "three waves of innovation" in the insurance industry: digital insurance, connected insurance, and generative insurance. The first ones, they explain, mark the entry of Insurtech companies into the market, while connected insurance leads the shift towards proactive prevention strategies and personalized approaches for the client. The latter, generative insurance linked to AI, they add, are helping insurance companies to generate high-impact models in society, while also complying with ethical regulations.  In fact, according to this work, cybersecurity and AI emerge as fundamental pillars for the transformation of the sector. The report highlights, for example, an investment of 640 million dollars in cybersecurity, with a growth in the number of transactions and an increasing focus on protection against cyber risks. In addition, artificial intelligence, with investments of over 50 billion dollars, is consolidating, according to the NTT Data report, as a disruptive force, paving the way for revolutionary solutions and business models.

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WiFi Security: Assessment of threats in wireless networks
WiFi Security: Assessment of threats in wireless networks

Wifi connectivity has gone from being limited to restricted environments to becoming omnipresent in virtually every aspect of our daily lives. The ability to connect to the Internet from anywhere, be it at home, in a café, at work, in public spaces, or even in-flight, has enhanced the convenience in our daily lives. Moreover, the expansion of Wifi networks and the use of new manufacturing technologies now allow the interconnection of devices, leading to the significant rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) and providing users with more comprehensive control over their digital environments. However, this proliferation of Wifi networks has also given rise to new threats that require careful evaluation and effective security strategies to ensure secure and risk-free Wifi connections for our data and information. Common Wifi security threats include data interception Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attacks One of the fundamental challenges in Wifi security is preventing MITM attacks, where an intruder inserts themselves into the communication between two parties, compromising the integrity and confidentiality of sensitive data such as passwords and financial information. Spoofing of access points Hackers can create fake Wifi networks that mimic legitimate ones to attract unsuspecting users. Once connected to these malicious networks, our data can be captured by cybercriminals who may sell or misuse it for illicit purposes. Tips for achieving a secure Wifi connection: Strengthen authentication and use security protocols Prioritize strong encryption for networks to protect confidential information transmitted through it. WPA (Wifi Protected Access) encryption uses stronger algorithms than its predecessor, WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy), making it more difficult for hackers to intercept and decipher data. Advanced security protocols like WPA3 provide individualized data encryption and advanced two-factor authentication (2FA) methods, adding an extra layer of security by requiring additional verification. Device management Properly manage and monitor devices connected to Wifi networks to minimize risks associated with the large number of connected devices in homes and businesses. Regularly update the router firmware and all connected devices to address potential vulnerabilities. Segmentation of the network to separate critical devices from less secure ones also helps mitigate the risk of threat propagation. Secure Router Configuration The router secure configuration is what will ensure the robustness and overall security of a wireless network. The router, being the first point of contact for devices connected to the Internet, acts as the first line of defence against potential attacks. For this reason, it is important to understand that the proper configuration of the router not only guarantees a stable and efficient connection but also establishes a protected environment that safeguards the integrity and privacy of our data. How to configure the router securely? To ensure a correct and secure configuration of the router, it is recommended to: Change the default username and password of the router, as these are easily accessible to attackers. Use strong passwords containing a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters. Disable remote administration to prevent cybercriminals from accessing the router externally. Enable WPA2 or WPA3 encryption instead of the outdated WEP for enhanced network security. Optionally, disable SSID broadcast to make the network less visible and harder to detect by hackers. Keep the router firmware updated to address vulnerabilities and improve overall device security. By following these steps, you will strengthen the security of your wireless network and reduce the chances of experiencing unwanted attacks or intrusions.

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Fundación Telefónica wants to convert the world's first website into a World Heritage Site
Fundación Telefónica wants to convert the world's first website into a World Heritage Site

Fundación Telefónica is determined that the first website in history, the one of the british computer scientist Bernes-Lee, from 1990, could be declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO and has announced a campaign to achieve this goal.  The action named “ElSitio1155” identifies the Bernes-Lee website as a fundamental piece of the history and culture of humanity. And this is like this, becouse this website, in addition to be the first to exist, marked the birth of the World Wide Web, and also led to the first step to the connected world of today.  If recognition is achieved, it would be the first time that UNESCO would do so to a virtual and non-geographical site as usual.  Prior to the presentation of its official proposal, Fundación Telefónica has launched a support campaign through its social networks and communication channels to make everyone aware of the importance of this first website in the world, the pioneer of more than 1.9 million websites accounted for on December 31, 2021.

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The EU wants to make USB-C the charging standard for all electronic equipment
The EU wants to make USB-C the charging standard for all electronic equipment

The Commission for the Internal Market and Consumer Protection of the European Union has endorsed the proposal to make the USB type C charger the charging standard for all electronic equipment. With this decision, the  objective is be able to reduce electronic waste and the environmental footprint linked to its production.  In addition, the unification of standards in a single model eliminates the need for consumers to have a new charger every time we buy a new smartphone or other electronic devices, such as computers, peripherals, digital cameras and game consoles.  The statement issued by the European Parliament indicates that the only equipment that will be left oyt of the implementation of the new standard will be the one that is too small to use it, such as smart watches or health trackers.  The next steps related to this approval is reach an agreement with the EU governments on the final form of the legislation that will regulate the obligation to convert USB-C into a standard charging port for all electronic equipment.     The EU is committed to making USB-C_the charging standard for all electronic equipment The introduction of the same charger for all devices aims to reduce electronic waste

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Common front against advertising based on user surveillance
Common front against advertising based on user surveillance

Facing the forthcoming vote on the EU Digital Services Law, a group of 17 civil organizations and 14 digital companies have demanded the European Parliament prohibit invasive and hostile practices with privacy that take place in digital advertising such as user tracking.  According to his complaint, companies that specialize in monitoring the behavior of Internet users, integrate data from all websites, something that entails a violation of EU data protection regulations. In addition, they remember, these advertising practices make use of "inferred data that reveals vulnerabilities of the users" and, in general, they insist, this data are obtained without the knowledge of the user and beyond their control.  The signatories, including the privacy-focused search engine companies DuckDuckGo and Ecosia, denounce also that these types of practices only favor a few “dominant players” based in the United States, and they specifically cite, among others, Facebook and Google.  As an alternative to these advertising systems, they propose to follow initiatives such the Dutch television channels NPO and Norwegian TV2, which opted for contextual advertising and increased their income from ads.

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