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Approximately 2 results of graphics

Chat with RTX by Nvidia: Localized customization of chatbots without Internet
Chat with RTX by Nvidia: Localized customization of chatbots without Internet

Nvidia introduces an innovative tool in the chatbot realm called Chat with RTX, designed for the personalization of conversational assistants. Powered by generative Artificial Intelligence (AI), Chat with RTX operates locally on computers with GeForce RTX Series 30 graphics cards running Windows 10 or Windows 11. Chat with RTX and the IA revolution for chatbots This decentralized approach eliminates the reliance on an internet connection for chatbot functionality. Unlike many conventional virtual assistants, which require constant cloud connectivity for processing and generating responses, Chat with RTX operates internally on the user's device. According to Nvidia, this feature not only enhances privacy by avoiding the transmission of sensitive data over the network but also provides a quicker and more efficient response. With Chat with RTX, users can create personalized chatbots in the style of ChatGPT, Gemini or Copilot for conversational queries. This format allows the incorporation of YouTube videos, text in different formats, and URLs for contextual queries. Nvidia's tool is optimized to leverage the capabilities of computers running Windows 10 or 11 with a GeForce RTX Series 30 GPU and 8GB of video random access memory (VRAM).

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US Defense is working on an AI assistant to help pilots react in emergency situations
US Defense is working on an AI assistant to help pilots react in emergency situations

The US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is working on a prototype of artificial intelligence (AI) assistant that will helps pilots solve unforeseen events during flights. This AI assistant would be integrated into an Augmented Reality viewer that would train the pilots in these situations.  "This tool will help teach pilots new tasks, assist in error recognition, improve task completion time, and most importantly, help prevent catastrophic events,"  had said the manager statement senior of the program led by Northrop Grumman, Erin Cherry.  As Cherry has explained, they have focused their work on the development of an intuitive context-adaptive reasoning assistant. With its help, pilots will be able to obtain precise information and orientation of the situation, place and the context through. For this they will have an interface with graphics in augmented reality capable, among of giving indications such as turning off the engine or resuming the march.

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