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Chromebook computers will notify if someone is spying the screen
Chromebook computers will notify if someone is spying the screen

Google's new antispyware tool will warn if someone spies the screen. The new tool will have the potential to lock the computer by facial recognition.  Google has everything ready to test its new anti-spying tool, which will be incorporate in the future, Chromebook computers.  This tool, if the user has it activated, will be able to send a warning alert every time it detects that another person is spywaring the screen. The anti-spying function will be activated through its human presence sensor.  The user can activate or deactivate the tool from the settings section.  When the system detects a person spying or looking over the user's shoulder, the computer screen will warn him discreetly, either with a icon  or by dimming the screen. According to the first information released, the sensor would have the potential to lock or unlock the equipment through facial recognition.  In addition, the tool will incorporate additional functions such as an automatic deactivation of the notifications of the conversations that the user is having privately when the "spying" is detected.

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QUIC, the new official network protocol to replace TCP
QUIC, the new official network protocol to replace TCP

QUIC, the network protocol designed by Google, has been presented by the Internet Engineering Task Force, IETF, as a new official Internet standard to replace TCP, the current main standard. Google's QUIC (Quick UDP Internet Connections) network protocol is designed to reduce latency with retransmissions taking less time, potentially reducing the waiting time for search results by 8% on computers and 4% on mobile devices, according to the paper released by Google in 2017. QUIC will replace TCP, the current main standard of the Internet since 1974 - when it was still Arpanet - and on which the operation of Internet elements such as the World Wide Web (WWW) logic system, file transmission, 'emails' and remote administration depend. The new QUIC protocol has already been published by the IETF, making it an official network protocol.

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