What is my IP
What is my IP

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Approximately 12 results of tera

49% of consumers are willing to favor brands that explain data usage in AI interactions
49% of consumers are willing to favor brands that explain data usage in AI interactions

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a fundamental tool for companies striving to provide personalized and efficient customer interactions. However, a new report reveals that the lack of transparency in data usage by brands is affecting consumer trust. According to Twilio's fifth 'State of Consumer Engagement Report', based on a global survey including over 4,750 B2C executives and 6,300 consumers across 18 countries, 49% of consumers would trust a brand more if it disclosed how it uses data from AI-driven interactions.   The report also highlights that, although 91% of brands claim to be transparent with their customers about AI usage, only 48% of consumers agree.  In this context, data protection emerges as a priority for consumers, with six out of ten indicating it's the best way for brands to earn their trust. This data security concern is shared by, the 40% businesses globally that considerate important to find a balance between security and customer experience as one of their most pressing challenges. AI-driven customer experience for brands AI-driven personalization is a key strategy to enhance customer relations. The report points out that companies adopting personalization experience a significant increase in consumer spending, averaging 54% more compared to those that don't. AI not only helps bridge the customer experience gap but also provides additional benefits, such as better data-driven decision-making and increased customer satisfaction. However, the report highlights that many companies face difficulties in activating customer data. Globally, only 16% of brands fully agree that they have the necessary data to understand their customers.

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The development of 6G advances, and its logo is ready
The development of 6G advances, and its logo is ready

The development of 6G advances, which already has an identifying logo The telecommunications industry is quickly advancing towards the sixth generation of mobile connectivity, known as 6G, and an excellent example of this is the recent presentation of  the new official logo of these next generation of connectivity. The presentation was given by the 3GPP, the organization in charge of developing global standards for mobile technology. The new logo, featuring a modern, cutting-edge design, symbolizes the innovative spirit of 6G and its potential to revolutionize the way we interact with technology. The visual design reflects the unprecedented speed and connectivity expected from this new generation. Which are the new features of 6G? 3GPP is currently working on the technical specifications that will define 6G, and the release of the official logo indicates that the process is progressing as planned. 6G promises incredibly fast data speeds – up to 1Tbps maximum download speed –, extremely low latency and the ability to mix reality with the virtual world, including holographic communications with the help of advanced artificial intelligence. When is 6G expected? Although 6G is still in its early stages of development, the launch of the official logo is a warning that its configuration is advancing, although before this happens, the launch of 5G+ or advanced 5G mobile technology is planned this year. Between 2026 and 2028, the first real tests of 6G standards could be carried out and in 2030, 6G is expected to begin commercialization. The official unveiling of the 6G mobile connectivity logo will take place from May 8 to 10 at an IMT2030 workshop in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

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Since its inception, the Swiss company Logitech has focused on designing and manufacturing innovative and quality solutions for people's daily lives. Since 1981, Logitech creates and produces computer accessories such as keyboards, mice, speakers, and headsets from production subdivisions in different parts of the world. Through extensive pre-design studies, they analyze how people connect and interact with the digital world. Based on the information gathered, they then design the best products to improve the user experience.

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Ip Location, the tool to know my ip location
Ip Location, the tool to know my ip location

If you need to check what location your internet provider is sharing with the websites you visit, with our IP locator you can instantly geolocate your IP address or any other that you enter manually. To geographically locate the IP address, you only need to be connected to the internet. If you use VPN software or connect through a proxy to locate IP address you can also use our tool. None of the data generated by the IP locator is stored in our system. @Mapa@ How can I hide my IP address so that it cannot be traced? To anonymously browse the Internet and avoid being located through the IP of your connection, there are two basic ways to do it. The first is to hide IP so that no one will be able to track our presence on the network or access our browsing data and the second is to change IP and browse through another IP address whenever we need to. Why do I need to locate my IP geographically? Locating your IP geographically is the best way to find out what data our ISP shares about the location of our connection. Depending on this location. a website whose URL is ".com" will change to "/es" if we connect from Spain, for example, and some tasks related to the sending of forms will be simplified, as they will be automatically pre-filled with some data such as your country or city, depending on your geolocation IP. As users with a geolocation IP tool such as the one we offer in Cuál es mi IP, we can manually enter an IP address and find out, for example, from where we have received a fraudulent email, if we have had access before, of course, to the IP address involved Can anyone find out my home address with an IP geolocation tool? By using a tool to locate an IP address, you can trace the IP and geolocate it through coordinates on the map, but the specific postal address is never provided. This is because our IP address is not ours, but rather our Internet Service Provider's (ISP's). So what data can they find out about me with IP geolocation? When locating the IP geographically. the only information about us that is provided is the country and city from which we are connecting, since the GPS coordinates of altitude and latitude that are shown correspond, in reality, to those of the headquarters of the company that is offering us the Internet connection service. The reason behind this is that all data related to the actual geographic address of the device used to access the Internet, i.e. our router, is not public and belongs to our ISP, which can only disclose it by court order. Why are companies interested in locating my IP address geographically? Information is power and for a company to know from where its potential customers connect is an important advantage to design marketing strategies aimed at the customer profile of a particular geographical area or country. In addition, in terms of anti-fraud, e-commerce companies can improve card payment security by identifying payment attempts from suspicious IP addresses. What is an IP address? An IP address is a special numerical combination assigned to an internet-connected device to be identified on the network. All intelligent devices need an IP address to access the Internet and interact on the network. Each device connected to the Internet has its own an individual IP address. When we access the Internet, the servers recognize our device through its IP address, allowing the two-way communication with the recipient. As we are identified with our IP address, the rest of devices can order a return response, without mistake the sender. Making a simile, an IP address would be the address that we use to write on the back of an envelope. This information identifies us as issuers and also as recipients of the return answer. To make possible this data exchange, the IP protocol was established as a set of universal rules for all the Internet operations. That means that all devices connected to Internet or to a home network, "speak" the same language and they are able to communicate each with the others. There are two types of IP address, the external IP and the local IP: • The external IP or public IP is the numerical combination address assigned to us by our Internet service provider (ISP). This public IP identifies us as Internet users when we are connected. If you want to find the IP of your computer, your tablet or your Smartphone, you can find out this immediately by accessing the home page of “What is my IP” or using our speed test service that, in addition to this information, will inform you about the quality of your Internet connection. • The local IP address or internal IP is the one the router assign to all the devices connected to him and identifies each of these devices, individually, in the home network.  How to locate an IP address?  If you want to know how to find out where an IP address is from, you should know that it is not always easy to find out the IP origin of a connection, because there are different systems to hide the IP. Some users use these systems for security reasons or to simulate, for example, their IP location in another place and thus have access to Internet services not enabled in the place where they are located. Now, if the user does not use any resource to mask the IP, find out the IP of the computer or any other device connected, for example, to our website, it is as simple as use IP geolocation services such the one offered in “What is my IP?” and you will immediately find out the IP origin of any computer that you are interested in track. Knowing the IP location of our clients is an advantage when we are designing, for example, our marketing strategies and a good tool, also, to improve network security, as it allows us to locate suspicious IP addresses. In addition, with the IP geolocation service you can also verify the location that your Internet provider shares about you. It should be clarified that this location provided by IP geolocation services is never the specific address of our home or where we are located. The data actually are from the operator node in our area that is offering us the connection service to the internet network Therefore, the geolocation information will be the country and city from where the connection is made, but not the address where the user is located, because this specific tracking of the user address is protected by law and this data can only be provided by court order.

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Wacom, a well-known Japanese technology brand established in 1983, is dedicated to providing digital ink solutions for multiple applications and industries. It is currently the world's leading company in the market of interactive displays and tablets for creative users and works for international companies producing smartphones, tablets and digital stationery. If you are passionate about being creative, if you are a professional who is dedicated to it, or simply because you know that creativity can always boost many aspects of business, or because you like to express your creative side on a personal level, then Wacom has a lot to offer you.

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Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy

Esta política de privacidad aplica a todos los contenidos de este sitio web y que sean publicados por Dommia Design Studio. Si usted tiene alguna consulta sobre cómo usamos su información personal, por favor contacte con nuestro responsable de privacidad en [email protected]. Según lo establecido en el RGPD (Reglamento (UE) 2016/679), les proporcionamos la Información Detallada de Protección de Datos que se expone a continuación: Responsable: Dommia Design StudioRazón Social: Dommia Design Studio SLC.I.F.: B-66440581Dirección: c/ Lepant, 326, Entlo, Desp 3 - 08025 - BarcelonaTeléfono: 936 241 455Correo Electrónico: [email protected] Inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de Barcelona Tomo: 44619, Folio: 176, Hoja: 461387, Inscripción: 1 Información que recopilamos y con qué objetivo Esta sección detalla la información que podemos recoger sobre usted. Explicamos por qué y cómo lo utilizamos en secciones posteriores. Información que obtenemos a través de cookies y herramientas similares Utilizamos cookies (y tecnologías similares) y herramientas de análisis en nuestros sitios para recopilar información sobre usted. Esta información se puede utilizar para mejorar el rendimiento del sitio y mejorar la experiencia de usuario. Proporcionamos información detallada sobre cookies y tecnologías similares dentro de nuestra Política de Privacidad; algunos ejemplos incluyen: Su ubicación: utilizamos cookies para mostrar información del lugar más relevante para su ubicación. Su uso: utilizamos cookies para entender como nuestros clientes utilizan nuestros sitios. El dispositivo: utilizamos cookies para entender el tipo de dispositivo que está utilizando para mostrarle la mejor versión del sitio. Si desea administrar sus cookies, siga las instrucciones de la sección "Cómo gestionar las cookies" dentro de nuestra Política de Privacidad. Información que obtenemos a través del formulario de contacto Datos de contacto: nombre y correo electrónico. Web Beacons Utilizamos web beacon en nuestras páginas web y nuestros correos electrónicos. Cuando enviamos correos electrónicos a los miembros del boletín de noticias, podemos hacer un seguimiento del comportamiento como quien abrió los correos electrónicos y quien hizo clic en los enlaces. Esto nos permite medir el rendimiento de nuestras campañas de correo electrónico y mejorar nuestras características para determinados segmentos de miembros. Fundamentos legales para el procesamiento Solo tratamos información personal cuando tenemos su consentimiento de usuario: es decir, cuando nos ha dado permiso explícito para procesar información personal para un fin determinado. Por ejemplo, si completa uno de nuestros formularios de comunicación, le solicitaremos su consentimiento si quisiéramos utilizar su información personal para cualquier otro propósito. Usted tiene el derecho de retirar este consentimiento en cualquier momento. Puede administrar sus preferencias contactando con nuestro Delegado de Protección de Datos en [email protected]. ¿Cómo utilizamos su información personal? Recopilamos información personal por una razón principal, para mejorar y mantener el rendimiento de nuestro sitio web y poder brindarle la mejor experiencia de usuario posible. Recopilamos información personal por dos motivos principales: Mejorar y mantener el rendimiento: para proporcionarle la mejor experiencia de usuario posible, debemos asegurarnos de que nuestros productos y servicios funcionan como deberían ser. Comunicar cambios y ofertas de productos: queremos que obtenga el máximo rendimiento de nuestros productos o servicios, incluyendo mostrar nuestros últimos contenidos y boletines informativos. Puede cambiar sus preferencias en cualquier momento contactando a nuestro oficial de privacidad a [email protected]. ¿Con quién compartimos su información personal? No divulgamos su información personal a ningún tercero a menos que lo exijan las leyes aplicables, órdenes judiciales u otros procesos legales válidos. ¿Cuánto tiempo conservamos su información personal? Un resumen de la duración de su información personal: Categoría de datosEjemploPeríodo RetenciónJustificación del Período Comercial Clientes Hasta 5 años después de la resolución de cualquier relación comercial Para informar de nuestros productos y servicios Comercial Formulario de contacto Hasta 5 años después de la resolución de cualquier relación comercial Para informar de las peticiones realizadas por el usuario Marketing Newsletter Hasta que exprese su negativa a que sea enviada Para informar de nuestros productos y servicios Los datos se almacenarán el tiempo estrictamente necesario exclusivamente para el desempeño de sus competencias legalmente establecidas. A veces es necesario que guardemos su información personal por períodos más largos, por ejemplo: Si existe un requisito legal para retenerlo; Si requerimos la información por razones legales o existe una necesidad legítima para que la retengamos; Para garantizar que no nos comuniquemos con usted si nos ha pedido que no lo hagamos. ¿Cómo mantenemos su información personal segura? Contamos con las medidas de seguridad técnicas y organizativas adecuadas para garantizar que la información de nuestros usuarios esté protegida contra el acceso, uso, alteración o pérdida no autorizados o accidentales. Sus derechos Según las leyes de protección de datos, tiene derechos en relación con sus datos personales que gestionamos. Estos derechos incluyen: El derecho de oposición al márquetin directo; El derecho de acceso a los datos personales que procesamos sobre usted; El derecho a solicitar la eliminación de sus datos personales; El derecho a solicitar la rectificación de sus datos personales. Puede ejercer estos derechos contactando a nuestro oficial de Privacidad en [email protected]. ¿Dónde se aplica esta política de privacidad? La información personal recopilada por el CLIENTE. Nuestro sitio web puede contener enlaces a sitios web de terceros que no están sujetos a esta política de privacidad. No somos responsables de su contenido, uso de información personal o prácticas de seguridad. Si tiene una consulta sobre el tratamiento de su información personal, comuníquese con nuestro oficial de Privacidad en [email protected]. Cambios en esta política de privacidad Esta política es efectiva desde el 24/05/2018. Cualquier cambio que hagamos a esta política de privacidad se publicará en esta página, explicitando la fecha del último cambio.

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A new FakeUpdates campaign targeting WordPress sites has been detected
A new FakeUpdates campaign targeting WordPress sites has been detected

Over the past few weeks, a new wave of the FakeUpdates malware, also known as SocGholish, has been detected, aimed at WordPress websites. The objective is to lure users into downloading remote access trojans, allowing attackers to take control of their systems. Since its emergence in 2017, FakeUpdates has been one of the most recurring malicious software in the cyber threat landscape. It has previously been associated with cybercriminal groups like Evil Corp, who monetize its use by selling access to infected systems. In this new campaign, cybercriminals are using JavaScript to target WordPress web pages, compromising compromised administrator accounts to introduce altered versions of WordPress plugins. These adulterated versions deceive users into downloading remote access trojans, granting attackers full control over infected devices. What is the most popular type of malware? In addition to the FakeUpdates attack, the threat index from Check Point Research, whose researchers have warned about this new attack, reveals around 200 suspicious content websites directed by ransomware groups. They utilize double extortion tactics to pressure victims into paying immediate ransoms. These attacks have impacted many companies, with the Lockbit3 ransomware being the most utilized by cybercriminals, followed by Play and 8base. The most exploited vulnerabilities by malicious actors include 'Web Servers Malicious URL Directory Traversal,' 'Command Injection Over HTTP,' and 'Zyxel ZyWALL Command Injection,' affecting numerous companies worldwide and allowing attackers to access and manipulate files or execute commands on compromised systems. In Spain, despite a 7% decrease in malware attacks in February, the most sought-after malware includes FakeUpdates, Qbot, and Pandora. In the case of FakeUpdates, it has affected 11.9% of companies in Spain. Mobile Malware In the realm of mobile devices, Anubis remains the most utilized malware in Spain, followed by AhMyth and Hiddad, all designed to compromise the security and privacy of Android device users by collecting confidential information and executing malicious actions.

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Arc Search, AI-powered search engine for iOS
Arc Search, AI-powered search engine for iOS

The Browser Company has introduced its latest innovation to the market, Arc Search, a search engine exclusively designed for iOS devices that integrates artificial intelligence and private browsing functionalities. Arc Search promises seamless and interruption-free navigation, free from annoying ads. Driven by artificial intelligence, this search engine offers, also, advanced features such as the ability to summarize visited web pages and provide search results more efficiently. Additionally, it stands out for its ad blockers, a reading mode that minimizes distractions, and a keyboard designed to initiate searches with just a few taps. In addition to Arc Search, in the spring, The Browser Company will also launch its web browser ARC, based on Chromium, with the ambition to challenge the supremacy of Google Chrome. With these releases, The Browser Company has explained that it aims not only to establish itself as a robust option in the realm of browsers and search engines but also to redefine how users interact with information on their iOS devices.

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Apple, Google and Mozilla will create a speedometer to evaluate Safari, Chrome and Firefox
Apple, Google and Mozilla will create a speedometer to evaluate Safari, Chrome and Firefox

Apple, Google and Mozilla start a joint project to develop Speedometer 3, a speedometer that is going to be useful to use to analyse and improve the performance of Internet browsing programs. The new speedometer will measure the responsiveness of web applications, timing user interactions across various workloads. In addition the three companies has explained that Speedometer 3 will be useful for adjusting any component to its maximum speed, although, according to the agreement signed by they three, any of their respective browsers, Apple's Safari, Google's Chrome or Mozilla's Firefox, can make significant changes to their performance until  have the approval of the other two companies.

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Interpol opens its first office in the Metaverse
Interpol opens its first office in the Metaverse

Interpol, the International Criminal Police Organization or International Police, has presented its first office in the metaverse through which they intend to improve the fight against crime in the digital universe.  The digital police station, which is a copy of the General Secretariat of Interpol in Lyon (France), will offer training for investigators and police officers and will allow the collaborators of this international organization to interact through their avatars, without geographical or physical limits.  The inauguration of this new virtual center had been accompanied by the announcement of the creation of a group of Interpol experts that will advise police forces around the world about the risks on the global stage.  Also, it has been announced that the International Police Organization has joined Meta, Microsoft and other technology giants to define the metaverse and protect communities from cybercrime, including globally recognized and criminalized crimes, such as sexual harassment, 'phishing', financial fraud or 'ransomware', among others. The objective of this joint work, they explained, is to create regulatory frameworks "and eliminate future criminal markets before they are fully formed." According to a study by the technology company Gartner, in over three years, in 2026, one of four people will spend at least one hour a day in the metaverse to work, shop and interact with other users.

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Facebook announces 10,000 new jobs in Europe to develop its metaverse
Facebook announces 10,000 new jobs in Europe to develop its metaverse

Facebook has announced 10,000 new jobs in the European Union to develop a new virtual environment. This environment is going to be design to  interconnected virtual experiences using different technologies  as virtual and augmented reality.  This new environment baptized as a metaverse will increase the feeling to be presence in the virtual environment and the interaction between all those who are there. The goal, explains Vice President of Global Affairs, Nick Clegg, Vice President of Core Products, Javier Olivan is create a greater sense of 'virtual presence', to unlock access to new creative, social and economic opportunities.  Facebook will shortly begin recruiting candidates for the 10,000 jobs. Their first priority will be highly specialized engineers.

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How to set up a digital marketing strategy?
How to set up a digital marketing strategy?

As our daily life Internet gains prominence in our physical world, companies selling products and services are increasing their online presence. To do so, they resort to strategies and tactics that ensure their omnipresence in both worlds, with the main task of attracting and retaining customers who buy their products. In this race for customers' attention, strategies such as Inbound Marketing and Outbound Marketing have emerged as protagonists and although they are radically different in their forms, both techniques have found in online communication an ideal medium through which to achieve their goals. What is Inbound Marketing? Inbound Marketing is based on attracting customers through non-intrusive techniques that use content related to the needs and interests of our target audience to attract them to our brand and products. Inbound Marketing Strategy In Inbound Marketing, content is the king and the strategy to get the user to approach the brand is to create, through these contents, links with the customer and establish a relationship of trust and support that favors their interest in our products and services, as well as their loyalty. To achieve this attention on the contents, it is basic and essential to optimize the SEO search engine, which makes our website, our contents and brand visible, makes us relevant and also contributes to our authority. To achieve this optimization and positioning, SEO will be in charge of indicating which words are trending in searches related to our content, will improve the structure of the web to allow a correct user experience, will implement a good strategy of referral links or link building and will take care of other aspects such as the integration of CRM tools or user metrics. All this will make it possible for our content to be positioned and that in a totally "natural" way and without any intrusion, all those contents written according to the interests of a certain group of customers, awaken their interest and attract them to our brand. Inbound Marketing Tools Throughout the whole process of customer attraction and loyalty, the Inbound Marketing strategy has a wide variety of tools to achieve its goal: Blogs Landing page Lead Creation Calls to action Intelligent content Workflows, ... What is outbound Marketing? Unlike Inbound Marketing, outbound Marketing is based on a totally traditional commercial approach, in which the product or service being sold is the only protagonist of the communication. Outbound Marketing Strategy To reach the public, outbound strategies use invasive methods that address broad audiences, without a specific target, with the intention of reaching the maximum number of possible interested parties. Outbound Marketing strategies are based on one-way communication, from the brand to the customer. The company shows the value of its products and services and tries to convince the public to buy them. All this operation is implemented without the customer's request, even before he has made a search or has shown previous interest in a specific product or service. Outbound Marketing Tools In Outbound Marketing, since there is no specific target audience segment, the communication reaches many users, although it may not be of interest to any of them. To achieve this massive distribution, companies use resources such as: Pop-ups Advertisements inserted in videos Banners Email campaigns for which companies use powerful email marketing software in Spanish, with multiple integrated tools that allow from automating mass mailings to A/B testing, comprehensive monitoring of the actions of each recipient (open rate, clicks on links,...) or even advanced segmentation based on interactions and / or user behavior detected in previous actions. Newsletter, inbound or outbound marketing? Now that we know the differences between Inbound and Outbound Marketing, we will finish by looking at a very useful and versatile tool that, unlike those previously mentioned is used interchangeably by both strategies. We are referring to the Newsletters. If we look at the Newsletter of Which is my IP, for example, we would be talking about an Inbound strategy, because to receive the electronic newsletter you must first register (by the way, if you have not done so yet, do not miss it and you will receive timely information on news and updates to get the most out of your Internet connection). On the other hand, if we look at newsletters like the ones we have all surely received at some time, in which we are offered, for example, a telephone offer from a company that is not our own, we are dealing with an electronic newsletter included in the marketing plan of an Outbound strategy. At this point, we can only conclude that knowing our priorities as a company, analyzing the degree of knowledge we have about our target and assessing our objectives, we will have all the necessary answers to start working and designing our digital marketing strategy.

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