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Search results: transparency

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Approximately 3 results of transparency

The European Union signs the first International Convention to Regulate Artificial Intelligence
The European Union signs the first International Convention to Regulate Artificial Intelligence

Last 5th September in Vilnius (Lithuania), the European Commission signed the Framework Convention on Artificial Intelligence and human rights, democracy and the rule of law. This treaty, promoted by the Council of Europe, establishes an international legal framework to regulate artificial intelligence (AI), and is the first legally binding treaty to address the challenges posed by this technology at a global level. The Framework Convention on AI is the result of a joint effort by 46 member states of the Council of Europe, the European Union and 11 non-European countries, including powers such as the United States, Japan and Canada. The treaty regulates the complete life cycle of AI systems, from their development to their implementation in both public and private sectors. Among its main objectives is to guarantee responsible innovation, transparency and supervision of AI systems, as well as protecting fundamental rights such as privacy and equality. The document is structured in eight chapters, each of which addresses key aspects of the development and use of AI. These chapters establish comprehensive regulation covering everything from the design of AI systems to their implementation, highlighting principles such as human dignity, equality, privacy and technological reliability. In addition, the agreement reinforces the transparency and responsibility of AI developers and operators, and encourages safe innovation. The topics addressed in these chapters include rules to prevent discrimination, guarantee gender equality and protect democratic processes from technological manipulation. It also incorporates an independent monitoring mechanism that will oversee the effective implementation of the treaty in the signatory countries. However, the agreement excludes activities related to national security and defence, as well as AI research not intended for public use. A pioneering legal framework for AI at an international level A key aspect of this treaty is its international nature. It is not only open to European countries, but also to other continents, making it the first global legal standard for AI. With a 24-month transition period, signatory states will have to comply with the obligations imposed, ensuring an ethical and safe application of AI that respects democratic and human rights principles.

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Operation Spincaster combats cryptocurrency fraud and phishing with public-private collaboration and blockchain technology
Operation Spincaster combats cryptocurrency fraud and phishing with public-private collaboration and blockchain technology

Public-private collaboration and the transparency of blockchain technology could be the perfect tandem to fight against cryptocurrency fraud and the approval phishing technique, as has been demonstrated in Operation Spincaster deployed in Spain and other countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, the Netherlands and Australia, where significant progress has been made in the prevention of these crimes.In this operation, the Chainalyais firm has worked closely with the National Police and the Criminal Cyber ​​Intelligence Group of the Civil Guard, identifying thousands of compromised wallets, also offering specialized training to identify and track stolen funds.In addition, they have also acted against approval 'phishing', a particularly harmful technique, through which scammers get the victim to sign a malicious blockchain transaction, thus authorizing cybercriminals to spend the tokens within the wallet. of the victim. This type of scam has generated losses exceeding $2.7 billion, according to Chainalysis, underscoring the urgency of initiatives like Operation Spincaster.

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49% of consumers are willing to favor brands that explain data usage in AI interactions
49% of consumers are willing to favor brands that explain data usage in AI interactions

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a fundamental tool for companies striving to provide personalized and efficient customer interactions. However, a new report reveals that the lack of transparency in data usage by brands is affecting consumer trust. According to Twilio's fifth 'State of Consumer Engagement Report', based on a global survey including over 4,750 B2C executives and 6,300 consumers across 18 countries, 49% of consumers would trust a brand more if it disclosed how it uses data from AI-driven interactions.   The report also highlights that, although 91% of brands claim to be transparent with their customers about AI usage, only 48% of consumers agree.  In this context, data protection emerges as a priority for consumers, with six out of ten indicating it's the best way for brands to earn their trust. This data security concern is shared by, the 40% businesses globally that considerate important to find a balance between security and customer experience as one of their most pressing challenges. AI-driven customer experience for brands AI-driven personalization is a key strategy to enhance customer relations. The report points out that companies adopting personalization experience a significant increase in consumer spending, averaging 54% more compared to those that don't. AI not only helps bridge the customer experience gap but also provides additional benefits, such as better data-driven decision-making and increased customer satisfaction. However, the report highlights that many companies face difficulties in activating customer data. Globally, only 16% of brands fully agree that they have the necessary data to understand their customers.

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