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A new FakeUpdates campaign targeting WordPress sites has been detected
A new FakeUpdates campaign targeting WordPress sites has been detected

Over the past few weeks, a new wave of the FakeUpdates malware, also known as SocGholish, has been detected, aimed at WordPress websites. The objective is to lure users into downloading remote access trojans, allowing attackers to take control of their systems. Since its emergence in 2017, FakeUpdates has been one of the most recurring malicious software in the cyber threat landscape. It has previously been associated with cybercriminal groups like Evil Corp, who monetize its use by selling access to infected systems. In this new campaign, cybercriminals are using JavaScript to target WordPress web pages, compromising compromised administrator accounts to introduce altered versions of WordPress plugins. These adulterated versions deceive users into downloading remote access trojans, granting attackers full control over infected devices. What is the most popular type of malware? In addition to the FakeUpdates attack, the threat index from Check Point Research, whose researchers have warned about this new attack, reveals around 200 suspicious content websites directed by ransomware groups. They utilize double extortion tactics to pressure victims into paying immediate ransoms. These attacks have impacted many companies, with the Lockbit3 ransomware being the most utilized by cybercriminals, followed by Play and 8base. The most exploited vulnerabilities by malicious actors include 'Web Servers Malicious URL Directory Traversal,' 'Command Injection Over HTTP,' and 'Zyxel ZyWALL Command Injection,' affecting numerous companies worldwide and allowing attackers to access and manipulate files or execute commands on compromised systems. In Spain, despite a 7% decrease in malware attacks in February, the most sought-after malware includes FakeUpdates, Qbot, and Pandora. In the case of FakeUpdates, it has affected 11.9% of companies in Spain. Mobile Malware In the realm of mobile devices, Anubis remains the most utilized malware in Spain, followed by AhMyth and Hiddad, all designed to compromise the security and privacy of Android device users by collecting confidential information and executing malicious actions.

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“Brokewell' the new Trojan disguised as a Chrome update that steals banking data
“Brokewell" the new Trojan disguised as a Chrome update that steals banking data

Cybersecurity researchers have identified a new Trojan that poses a serious threat to Android device users, especially those who bank on their phones. The malware, known as "Brokewell", masquerades as a Google Chrome update, allowing cybercriminals to gain remote access to sensitive information. Overlay attacks The discovery was made by security firm ThreatFabric, which has been following the development of this mobile Trojan. According to their report, Brokewell uses overlay attacks to trick users. The technique involves creating a fake screen that is placed on top of a legitimate application, allowing attackers to capture users' access credentials without them realizing it. Additionally, malware can steal session cookies and send them to a command and control (C2) server, giving attackers greater control over the infected device.Once Brokewell manages to infiltrate a device, it can carry out a series of malicious actions, such as screen casting to capture keystrokes and data displayed in open applications. It can also spy on the device, collecting information such as call history, geolocation, and audio recordings. A trojan in constant evolution The threat is especially worrying because the Trojan is constantly evolving. According to ThreatFabric, the Brokewell Cyber ​​Labs repository adds commands and functionality almost daily. The source code includes tools to bypass Android 13+ restrictions, allowing attackers to bypass the operating system's security measures and ultimately compromise the security of users.One clue to Brokewell's developer is the signature "Baron Samedit," which appears in the malware's source code and other places related to its promotion. This person or group is believed to have been active for at least two years, and is known to provide tools to check stolen accounts. Its presence in clandestine channels suggests that the Trojan could gain popularity among other cybercriminals, increasing its reach and the risk of attacks on clients of financial institutions. Malware with risk for the banking sector Cybersecurity experts warn that Brokewell poses a significant risk to the banking sector and that it is essential that Android users stay alert for suspicious updates and have appropriate security measures in place to prevent fraud and the loss of sensitive information.

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Google launches ChromeOS Flex to give a second life to outdated computers
Google launches ChromeOS Flex to give a second life to outdated computers

Google has just introduced ChromeOS Flex, a new version of their cloud-based operating system that will allow "rejuvenating" Windows and Mac computers that have become available. The system must be downloaded directly from the web and can be installed on the computer via USB or the company network. ChromeOS Flex is now ready to give outdated Windows and Mac computers a second life. At the moment, Google has already certified nearly 300 devices compatible with ChromeOS Flex, from leading brands on the market such as Apple, Acer, Dell or Microsoft. Although Google has advanced that not having the certification does not prevent the installation of the operating system on our old computer.  Some of the services offered by this operating system are, the protection against ransomware and malware; background updates; remote management of applications and, of course, the possibility of giving a new life to an outdated computer.  “By installing ChromeOS Flex on an older computer, you're not only getting a great experience, you're also contributing to an important cause. Every year 40 million tons of electronic waste is generated worldwide, which is equivalent to throwing away 800 laptops every second. Updating devices to ChromeOS Flex instead of completely replacing them is one way to reduce this waste.

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On December 13, Mozilla's Firefox Lockwise runs out of support and will no longer be updated
On December 13, Mozilla's Firefox Lockwise runs out of support and will no longer be updated

On December 13, Mozilla's Firefox Lockwise runs out of support and will no longer be updatedThe password manager for the Mozzilla Firefox web browser will no longer have support service from next 13th December and it will not be no longer installed or reinstalled from the App Store or Google Play. This doesn't mean that this password manager will stop working. The users will still be able to access their saved passwords as well as their password manager through the desktop browser. What will not be possible is to have the tool already more from the new updates and version 1.8.1 of iOS and version 4.0.3 of Android will be the last ones of Firefox Lockwise. Mozilla has reported that Firefox will synchronize iOS devices with the browser at the end of December. From this moment, Firefox iOS will have the ability to manage Firefox passwords throughout the system and other platforms.

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How to keep your Mac safe?
How to keep your Mac safe?

5 things you should do to protect your Mac How many times have we heard that Mac is a more than secure and unbreakable system? For years, Apple has made its security through obscurity, or in other words, its proprietary software, flagship and brand guarantee. Today, however, just when Mac is no longer a minority option, Steve Jobs' system has become another favorite target for hackers and cybercriminals. The market has responded to this with the development of specific protection tools for Mac, while Apple works on optimizing its system in each version. Knowing what kind of tools exist for Mac and which ones are already included in our computer will help us to stay safe and choose the best strategy that fits our needs and use of the equipment. 1. Use computer security tools Cybersecurity is a universal and necessary practice in all operating systems today. The objective is to ensure protection against attacks and theft by cybercriminals who are looking for personal or confidential information stored on our computers or that enters or leaves them, in order to use it for their own benefit. What is VPN security? Cybersecurity tools help us to minimize our footprint on the Internet and thus increase our privacy and security. In this regard, VPN services for Mac stand out, as they incorporate advanced protection technologies capable of connecting to the Internet through intermediate servers, so that our IP address - our identification on the network - is replaced by the IP address of this secure server, without anyone being able to trace our connection. This type of VPN service also encrypts any information leaving our computer, thus preventing it from being accessed on its journey to its destination. This is essential, for example, when using public Wi-Fi networks to connect to the Internet. 2. Keep the operating system and software up to date As simple as it may seem, one of the best and easiest ways to protect a Mac is to always have the latest version of the operating system installed and to work with updated software downloaded from the Mac App Store. System updates usually include security patches, among other things. How do I update my Mac? Through the System Preferences Panel of our computer we can set that when there are available updates we receive a notice from MacOs warning us of it or that these updates, whether system data files, security updates or official software are installed automatically. To check if we are working with the latest versions available and our Mac is up to date we can do it by checking through this same panel if there are updates available at that time. If we have checked the automatic updates option, Mac will do this task for us routinely. 3. Use secure settings Mac's default security settings can be greatly enhanced by manually configuring the security and privacy terms of our computer. How to change the Privacy and Security preferences on the Mac? By accessing the "Privacy" tab of the "Security and Privacy" option of the Control Panel we will have the option to manage what information we allow our computer to make available to others over the Internet or on a network and what applications we allow access to our data and files. In the same way, but through the "Security" tab, we will be able to incorporate passwords for the access to different tasks and operations of the computer and through the "FileVault" tool we will be able to ensure the encryption, for example, of our personal information or certain documents for which a password will be required to unblock them. 4. Use an Antivirus for Mac There are antivirus programs developed specifically for Mac. Some of them are special for certain threats, although in general most of them offer a wide range of services to help us keep our computers safe. Which is the best antivirus for Mac? The range of antivirus for Mac, free and paid, is nowadays much wider than a few years ago, highlighting among the most complete and advanced, antivirus with malware protection functions in real time, tools against digital identity theft, protection against spyware or advanced detection and removal of blackmail programs. 5. Make regular backups Apple has a native function, Time Machine, which makes backup copies of our hard disk on a separate secondary disk, so that if for any reason we suffer an attack or a breakdown we can recover all the information. Many antiviruses offer a backup service, backup or backup similar but in the cloud, as a preventive measure against writing errors on the disk, theft of devices or even against data hijacking or ransomware.

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How to set up a digital marketing strategy?
How to set up a digital marketing strategy?

As our daily life Internet gains prominence in our physical world, companies selling products and services are increasing their online presence. To do so, they resort to strategies and tactics that ensure their omnipresence in both worlds, with the main task of attracting and retaining customers who buy their products. In this race for customers' attention, strategies such as Inbound Marketing and Outbound Marketing have emerged as protagonists and although they are radically different in their forms, both techniques have found in online communication an ideal medium through which to achieve their goals. What is Inbound Marketing? Inbound Marketing is based on attracting customers through non-intrusive techniques that use content related to the needs and interests of our target audience to attract them to our brand and products. Inbound Marketing Strategy In Inbound Marketing, content is the king and the strategy to get the user to approach the brand is to create, through these contents, links with the customer and establish a relationship of trust and support that favors their interest in our products and services, as well as their loyalty. To achieve this attention on the contents, it is basic and essential to optimize the SEO search engine, which makes our website, our contents and brand visible, makes us relevant and also contributes to our authority. To achieve this optimization and positioning, SEO will be in charge of indicating which words are trending in searches related to our content, will improve the structure of the web to allow a correct user experience, will implement a good strategy of referral links or link building and will take care of other aspects such as the integration of CRM tools or user metrics. All this will make it possible for our content to be positioned and that in a totally "natural" way and without any intrusion, all those contents written according to the interests of a certain group of customers, awaken their interest and attract them to our brand. Inbound Marketing Tools Throughout the whole process of customer attraction and loyalty, the Inbound Marketing strategy has a wide variety of tools to achieve its goal: Blogs Landing page Lead Creation Calls to action Intelligent content Workflows, ... What is outbound Marketing? Unlike Inbound Marketing, outbound Marketing is based on a totally traditional commercial approach, in which the product or service being sold is the only protagonist of the communication. Outbound Marketing Strategy To reach the public, outbound strategies use invasive methods that address broad audiences, without a specific target, with the intention of reaching the maximum number of possible interested parties. Outbound Marketing strategies are based on one-way communication, from the brand to the customer. The company shows the value of its products and services and tries to convince the public to buy them. All this operation is implemented without the customer's request, even before he has made a search or has shown previous interest in a specific product or service. Outbound Marketing Tools In Outbound Marketing, since there is no specific target audience segment, the communication reaches many users, although it may not be of interest to any of them. To achieve this massive distribution, companies use resources such as: Pop-ups Advertisements inserted in videos Banners Email campaigns for which companies use powerful email marketing software in Spanish, with multiple integrated tools that allow from automating mass mailings to A/B testing, comprehensive monitoring of the actions of each recipient (open rate, clicks on links,...) or even advanced segmentation based on interactions and / or user behavior detected in previous actions. Newsletter, inbound or outbound marketing? Now that we know the differences between Inbound and Outbound Marketing, we will finish by looking at a very useful and versatile tool that, unlike those previously mentioned is used interchangeably by both strategies. We are referring to the Newsletters. If we look at the Newsletter of Which is my IP, for example, we would be talking about an Inbound strategy, because to receive the electronic newsletter you must first register (by the way, if you have not done so yet, do not miss it and you will receive timely information on news and updates to get the most out of your Internet connection). On the other hand, if we look at newsletters like the ones we have all surely received at some time, in which we are offered, for example, a telephone offer from a company that is not our own, we are dealing with an electronic newsletter included in the marketing plan of an Outbound strategy. At this point, we can only conclude that knowing our priorities as a company, analyzing the degree of knowledge we have about our target and assessing our objectives, we will have all the necessary answers to start working and designing our digital marketing strategy.

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