What is my IP
What is my IP

Embou's Customer Service

Contact and telephone numbers of Embou


If you are a Embou customer and need to contact a Embou customer service representative, call 876 010 655. The Embou agent will answer all your questions and help you change your plan, add a new line or simply resolve an issue. This number is operational .

If you need to resolve an issue related to your line while you are abroad, call 876 010 655.

The Embou phone number for those who are not yet customers of the operator is 976 363 800. This is the number to call if you want to request information about rates and services.

Telephone Numbers of Embou

  • Public Telephone: 976 363 800
  • Customer Telephone: 876 010 655
  • Telephone for non-customers: 976 363 800

Contact Embou through Social Networks

Embou has a strong social media presence.

Operadora@ addresses the concerns of its customers via all its social media profiles. If you have any questions, DM them or comment on one of their posts.

Facebook de Embou

Facebook de Embou

Twitter de Embou

Twitter de Embou

Linkedin de Embou

Linkedin de Embou

Instagram de Embou

Instagram de Embou

Youtube de Embou

Youtube de Embou

Contact websites with Embou

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