What is my IP
What is my IP

Lebara's Customer Service

Contact and telephone numbers of Lebara


If you have any questions regarding your cell phone plan or any other Lebara service you have purchased, please call 2222.

If you need to contact Lebara and you are abroad, call 2222.

Operadora@ also has a phone number you can call if you are not yet a customer and need more information about the company's rates and services. This phone number is 901810810. The Lebara agents will answer all your questions and, if necessary, help you manage your registration.

Telephone Numbers of Lebara

  • Public Telephone: 901 810 810
  • Customer Telephone: 2222
  • Telephone for non-customers: 901810810
  • Telephone from abroad: +34 91 2769175

Contact Lebara through Social Networks

You can also contact Lebara via social media.

Lebara has several social media profiles through which they can help you. It doesn't matter if you are a customer or not, just send them a message, and they will get back to you in no time.

Facebook de Lebara

Facebook de Lebara

Twitter de Lebara

Twitter de Lebara

Linkedin de Lebara

Linkedin de Lebara

Instagram de Lebara

Instagram de Lebara

Youtube de Lebara

Youtube de Lebara

Contact websites with Lebara

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