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A massive leak reveals how Google's algorithm works

June 26th. 2024


Google has been the target of a massive leak that has brought to light more than 2,500 pages of internal documents. These documents reveal details about the operation of Google's search engine algorithm and call into question some public statements by the company that could have been incorrect or incomplete.

Rand Fishkin, co-founder of SparkToro and SEO expert, was the first to announce the leak. In a recent article, Fishkin shared that he received an email on May 5, informing him of this incident. The authenticity of the documents was verified by former Google employees and other industry experts.

Key discoveries from the Google algorithm leak

Fishkin claimed that many of the revelations contained in the leaked documents contradict public statements that Google employees have made over the years. Among the most notable claims is that Google has various ways of filtering out clicks that it does not want to record in its classification systems, focusing only on those it considers relevant. Additionally, they measure the duration of clicks and impressions.

Other key points that the leaked documents would reveal would be that Google apparently maintains a list of top URLs and uses the number of clicks on Chrome pages to determine their popularity. He also suggests that Google manipulates certain domains in controversial searches, which could favor biased information, and that Google's algorithm uses click data to determine the quality of links, classifying them as low, medium or high quality.

Likewise, the leak also reveals that data from EWOK platform evaluators may be directly involved in the search system, "rather than simply being a training set for experiments."

Although the nearly 2,500 documents that have been exposed do not detail every aspect of the algorithm, and either the latest updates,they do reveal a significant amount of information that until now had not been publicly confirmed, leading Fishkin to conclude that the leak represents only the tip of the iceberg. , indicating that there is much more to discover about Google's internal operations.

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