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A study reveals the main areas of investment by companies in digitalization for the coming years

September 3rd. 2024


According to a recent study by Logitech and The Futurum Group, companies are expected to invest more than €10 billion in artificial intelligence (AI) over the next three years. The research, published this Thursday, highlights that top investment priorities will include generative AI and predictive analytics, technologies that are gaining ground due to their potential to transform the work environment.

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) and predictive analytics, top investment priorities

The report points out that companies are at a crossroads. In the coming years, generative AI and predictive analytics will be key areas of investment to improve both productivity and employee satisfaction. With a special focus on hybrid and remote work environments, 70% of workers believe that the current technology provided by companies does not live up to their expectations.

For their part, only 29% of employees declare themselves completely satisfied with the technological tools they use in their workplace, a worrying decrease compared to the 39% registered in 2021.

Fostering collaborative and equitable environments will be key to retaining talent

Nolwenn Le Querré, Category Marketing Personal Workspace for Southern Europe at Logitech, highlights that companies that want to attract and retain talent must focus on encouraging the use of innovative tools. “Investing in advanced technologies and creating an optimal user experience is not only a competitive advantage, but a necessity for the future of work,” adds Le Querré.

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